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A Luxury Hotel « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Luxury Hotel

July 5, 2011


WITH the charges against Dominique Strauss-Kahn almost certain to be dropped within the next few weeks, the question arises as to why management of the luxury hotel, Sofitel, vouched so strongly for the maid’s character.

According to some reports, the maid was engaging in illicit activities at the hotel. Even if the management did not know this or even if she was not earning money as a prostitute, it strains belief that she was the exemplary employee the hotel management insisted she was.  The charge that the 62-year-old man sexually assaulted a woman had credibility to me because of the hotel management’s actions, its swift response to the incident and its assurances that the maid was upright. Now the hotel’s involvement is suspicious. There seems no obvious motivation or publicity gains for Sofitel management to hastily pursue a claim (in summoning the police) that one of  its premier guests committed rape.

In related news, the journalist Tristane Banon filed a sexual assault charge against Strauss-Kahn today as a result of an alleged 2003 incident. Banon’s case includes no serious criminal event. As I was sitting in a doctor’s office today, waiting for my son, I was stunned to see on the television screen in the waiting room – it’s not possible to go to the doctor anymore without being forced to watch TV – Banon walking down a Paris street with her lawyer. Stunned, because she was dressed in the sort of casual quasi-lingerie that goes for feminine street wear today. One would think that when filing rape charges against a famous man a woman would seek to dress with less obvious aggression.



                                                               — Comments —

Jane writes:

I hope you were not surprised by these latest developments. We should all know that men like DSK are not subject to draconian anti-male laws. Lowly hotel maids do not cause the NYPD to race after and arrest someone like DSK. Right from the start there has been much speculation about why he was removed. So who benefits or loses from his departure from the IMF?

Nicolas Sarkozy is rid of his main contender. It is interesting that she is from French New Guinea.

Some of DSK’s policy suggestions in regards to Greece were a tad uncharacteristically merciful.

Within the past year DSK suggested to Bernacke that maybe the dollar, as the world currency, should be replaced with a basket of currencies.

He along with Ron Paul are questioning if there is any gold in Fort Knox.

It seems to be true that he fled in haste but it was not from a hotel prostitute.

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