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Cain in Response « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Cain in Response

November 11, 2011



This is a few days late getting to you but it is tremendous. It is Herman Cain on Jimmy Kimmel Live responding to sexual harassment charges. I love the banter of this man, like the “real American” men used to speak, unself-conscious and without fear or PC, and, his elocution, enunciation, articulation, etc. are excellent. By the way, he is introduced in this way, “Our next guest has never held a public office, but he does know what is most important to Americans: pizza!”

Part 1: Cain says, “I can’t think of a THING I would hire that woman to do!”
Part 2: “I have never smoked pot.” “I have been married to the same woman for 42 years and I’m proud of it.” “Message is more important than money.” Jimmy suggests that candidates hire women to accuse them of sexual harrassment to increase their ratings.
Part 3: “A frog in boiling water.”
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