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Abortion as “Normal” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Abortion as “Normal”

December 22, 2011


A READER writes:

I thought you might be interested in the “My Abortion, My Life” campaign, which is trying to end the “silence” and “shame” of abortion by normalizing it. Their mission statement is quite disturbing:

“[W]e will: Help women who have had abortions to not feel so alone. Begin to end the shame and secrecy that surrounds abortion in this country. Help people see abortion for what it is: a normal and necessary part of women’s reproductive lives and health. My Abortion, My Life will end the silence surrounding abortion one story at a time. Read more about it. Think about it. And join us in this effort to create a new and positive conversation about abortion.”

A dying society is one that wishes to establish abortion as a normal and necessary part of women’s health care without any consideration of whether it is actually good for women. As Marc John Paul points out here in his article “The normalization of Abortion” normal does not indicate a good.

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