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First Lady Tells Girls To Be Anything But Girls « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

First Lady Tells Girls To Be Anything But Girls

April 24, 2012


FEMINISTS insist they are for freedom of choice, but they constantly push one choice: the life of masculine ambition for women. At a gathering of girls in Omaha yesterday, Michelle Obama wasn’t the woman who “had to work” anymore. Alicia M. Cohn at The Hill reports:

“Don’t be afraid to dream big,” [Michelle Obama] said in response to a 13-year-old audience member who asked how to achieve Obama’s “position.”

“You have to see yourself in a place,” she continued. “You have to be able to see yourself as that scientist, as the next President of the United States. You can be first lady if you want to, but there’s also the presidency.”

Is there any girl left in America who is afraid to dream big? I’d like to meet her and shake her hand.  Mrs. Obama also said:

Focus on the people in your life who give you positive reinforcement …. And it doesn’t have to be a parent. It can be anybody. I was lucky enough to have parents, but I also had some great teachers and mentors and people in my life that I would pull them in if I got some good energy, I’d just keep pulling on it.

The First Lady was speaking to a meeting of Girls Inc., an organization that helps girls “resist gender stereotypes.” You don’t need parents when you have The Cause.

— Comments —-

Robin writes:

Every time I read anything out of Mrs. Obama’s mouth, I think of those seagulls in the movie, Finding Nemo, whose chorus is “MINE! MINE! MINE! MINE!” ad infinitum. From my perspective her ego does not even take a back seat to that of her eternally narcissistic husband.

What strikes me about the portion of her speech that you mentioned is how many times she encourages the girls to “think of themselves” and “see themselves” in some particularly powerful way. Seven times in two sentences, she exhorts them to focus on themselves. The worship of the Almighty Self, promoted to the tender flowers of America by the First Lady. Amazing. What is “positive energy” anyway? God willing, these young ladies have mothers at home who will speak Truth to them through the fog of self-seeking, self-centered hogwash that they heard from their First Lady.

Perhaps their mothers will speak something along the lines of trusting God, allowing Him to direct their lives and their ambitions, nurturing the softer side of their nature as future wives and mothers…placing the needs of others above the desires of self and living with a servants heart and a quiet and gentle spirit.

Is that too ambitious?

Laura writes:


She brags of being selfish and of using people for her own purposes. She brag of this to little girls.

Jane S. writes:

Once again: worship of the self = Satanism.

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