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Flocking to Chick-Fil-A « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Flocking to Chick-Fil-A

July 31, 2012


[NOTE: Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day is tomorrow, Wednesday, August 1, not today, as stated in the previous entry.]

BUCK writes:

I just happened to hear a few minutes of radio talk show today. They were discussing Chick-Fil-A. I’m going to find the closest one and patronize it. I’ve never been in one.

A guy from Virginia said that he saw a Chick-Fil-A that was so crowded that employees were directing traffic and had to set up orange safety cones to manage the line of cars that were backed up on the street. Perhaps Dan Cathy is a marketing genius. Perhaps there are a lot of hungry, unsatisfied Americans who have been waiting to Fil -up on something wholesome.

If tomorrow is Chick Fil-A Appreciation Day, I’d leave early for lunch.

                         —- Comments —

Laura writes

For the few readers unfamiliar with the controversy, Dan Cathy, the CEO of Chick-Fil-A, has become a national symbol of everything evil and oppressive in middle America as a result of his statements condemning homosexual “marriage.” As discussed in the previous entry, officials in Chicago, New York, Philadelphia and Boston said they don’t want the chain to do business in their cities. In response, Mike Huckabee declared tomorrow, Wednesday, Aug. 1, Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day.

Jesse Powell writes:

The controversy surrounding Chick-Fil-A revolves around Cathy’s statements in support of marriage and the corporate donations to the company’s charitable arm, WinShape. Leftists often complain about corporations being “greedy,” and they advocate for “corporate responsibility” and the need for corporations to “give back to the community.” This is exactly what Chick-Fil-A is doing through WinShape.

In 2010, Chick-Fil-A donated $8.1 million to WinShape, of which two million dollars went to pro-marriage and Christian groups. In 2010, WinShape gave $1.2 million to the Marriage & Family Foundation, $500,000 to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and $250,000 to the National Christian Foundation. The Marriage & Family Foundation was originally named the Marriage and Family Legacy Fund whose purpose was to be the “implementation and funding arm” of the Marriage CoMission.

The Marriage CoMission is intended to be a coalition of pro-family businesses, church groups, city leaders, and other civic institutions seeking to promote together a “marriage renaissance.”

Interestingly, while doing my research on the three biggest “anti-gay” groups that WinShape supports, I never saw even a single reference to homosexuality on any of the associated websites. Marriage CoMission, the biggest recipient of funding, appears to be a bland ,mildly social conservative effort to promote marriage based on creating a collaboration between businesses, church groups, city officials, and various other prominent citizens.

It is as if socially conservative organizations and all efforts to promote Christianity are “hate” and “anti-gay” and if you are a business that dares to support such causes then you better be prepared for boycotts and public vilification even from government officials!

It has struck me for awhile that the purpose of the homosexual agenda is not so much to legitimize homosexual relationships as it is to de-legitimize heterosexual relationships. Homosexual partnerships only make up 1.4 percent of all couples living together (2010 Census) and yet the supposed “rights” of such couples dominate media attention. The hysterical condemnation of Chick-Fil-A merely because it funded groups promoting marriage and Christianity lends credence to this view that the real aim is to de-legitimize marriage itself.

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