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A Report from Paris « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Report from Paris

April 25, 2013




I was at the demonstration at the Place des Invalides in Paris on Friday the 19th of April, when a Catholic priest was arrested and kicked in the head by the police. There is a lengthy video of what transpired here.

Every night last week, there was an official demonstration from 7:30 p.m. until around 10 p.m. After 10 p.m., we are all supposed to disperse and this is what most people do. I was very happy to see our SSPX priests turn up at around 9:30 pm to be with us for the rest of the night.

Firstly, l’Abbé Beauvais stood in front of the barricades and got the crowd to repeat in song lines which he had composed a little earlier:  “A real family is a Daddy and a Mummy.” (The films I made are here.) After the singalong, the game of tag with the riot police started. As I am a timid soul, I preferred to watch from the sidelines but you can have a very good idea of what happened by watching the footage here. Starting at minute 8:52, you can see the Catholic brother trying to intervene during the arrest of a minor and they both get dragged away. As the brother gets dragged through the barricade, you can see the plain clothes police getting some violent kicks in his head. These are his injuries.

This brother is well known and as gentle as a lamb. Once he very kindly helped our young boy when he was assisting at mass. This priest will be judged soon for assault on a police officer. As you can see from the film, only a crooked judge could condemn him.

I questioned the value of having priests present that night and questioned the rowdy behavior of the youth and have come to the following conclusion. These youth have been abandoned by politics, the church, media, school, and their education at home. Many for the first time are seeing militant priests who have the courage of their convictions. They all shouted at the riot police to free the brother while Abbé Beauvais stared down the riot police. Homosexual mariage and adoption is huge violation of natural law and this youth understands this. This may not be the way the Pope envisions the New Evangelization but the presence of the priests is a powerful way to recruit souls for the church militant.

We are in the midst of huge battle between the supernatural order of the universe with Christ as its king, and the naturalistic souless order imposed by these politicians who believe in man-made utopias. These luciferian agents cannot possibly understand that man’s destiny is to be with God, who will call us everyone of us to account. They cannot buy us off.

I followed an adult cathechism with Abbé Beauvais two years ago. My only regret is that I didn’t go years ago. He is the only Catholic priest I’ve seen ask a girl in a miniskirt to leave the church whilst explaining to her boyfriend  (a parishioner) that he better explain to her how to dress properly.

That Friday night I had a distinct feeling of counter-revolution. If it is truly the case, it seems only fitting that it should happen in France although any counter-revolution that rolls back the clock to anything later than 1789 will end in failure. May God give us and our children the courage to face the onslight of lies and violence coming our way.

Sebastien continues:

The police have lost the respect of the only section of the public that supported them and they are now commonly called the “gaystapo.” In this film at the 19 minute 10 second mark you can see some amusing cat-and-mouse moves with an exhausted  police.

Look at the faces of the protesters. These are not full-time anarchists who are out for a fight. In the months of demonstrations not a single window, car or bus shelter has been smashed and, apart from the time a riot policeman got a slight concussion, there have been no police injuries.

The police lied scandalously about the numbers of the people in the anti-homomarriage demonstrations. They provided photoshopped arial photos of the demonstration to minimize the number of people attending. We also can’t forget the beatings and illegal detentions that they have perpetrated. Even our babysitter was arrested and kept in custody for 17 hours.

The police are incredibly overworked, having to provide security for endless demonstrations and spontaneous appearances of protesters everywhere a politician has a public engagement. The movements of all ministers are published daily here at Le Salon Beige. Manuel Valls, the interior minister, now called Manuel Gaz because he orders the tear-gassing of children, went to a theatre 10 days ago. He was accompanied by 30 vans of riot police.

A very effective protest has been the veilleurs, or ‘the watchers,’ who sit in the park with candles listening to poems and music. These also require a police presence and because they are everywhere and as they remain after midnight, the over-time rates of the police go up and they have little time off. May, a traditional month for street protests, is not going to be a happy time for the gaystapo.

— Comments —-

Thomas F. Bertonneau writes:

The Paris crowds are astonishing.  The only precedent in my memory is the Bucharest crowds just before the Ceaucescu regime shuffled off this mortal coil.  The video footage of the Paris demonstrators shows a stairway leading down to the Metro.  The police, who look like a new type of twenty-first century Gestapo, are taking an arrested friar (a friar!) off to jail and the crowds are peaceably doing their best to slow the process down to a glacial pace.  But they are being studiously non-violent.  I would like to know what the policemen think to themselves when the demonstration, which bursts spontaneously into the Marseillaise, sings these lines:

Entendez-vous dans les campagnes,
Mugir ces féroces soldats?
Ils viennent jusque dans nos bras
Egorger nos fils, nos compagnes!

This is the Revolution turning back on itself with rich irony.  It is abundantly obvious who the “féroces soldats” are: They are the ones clad in black, like storm-troopers.

Vive la Belle France!

Laura Wood writes:

There are many amazing scenes here, especially in that first link. The scene where the police are pushing the crowd down the steps of the Metro, near the end of the video, truly is astonishing. I don’t understand what the police are attempting to prevent or even why it is necessary for them to be there. What would this crowd be doing if the police were not there, other than chanting loudly and singing? Have the demonstrators been destroying property or rioting? Have they been attacking people? As far as I know, they have done none of these things and have only been reacting to the presence of the police by taunting them.

Alex writes:

The police are there to provoke the protesters into rioting. And even if the protesters remain peaceful despite provocations, the mere presence of police in riot gear is intended to give TV viewers the impression that the protesters are dangerous rioters.

That government knows what it is doing.

Jewel A. writes:

I absolutely love the song being sung by the priest. The refrain: “La vraie famille c’est un papa, La vraie famille c’est une maman. La vraie famille c’est les berceaux, et les enfants qui sauteront.”

“The true family is a father, the true family is a mother, it is the cradles and the children who shall come, leaping.” A lovely metaphor of what a marriage produces: Children.

This is astonishing. These priests are leading the charge, and God bless the fruit of their teaching. Nothing like this is seen in America. God give us such priests who will sacrifice all.

The song sounds like an old French Christmas Carol. It is absolutely catchy! I will try to translate the other verses.

Sebastien writes:

Thank you for posting my comments.

Here is the text of the song:

“A l’assemblé la Taubira à décide d’assassiner, le enfants du pays réel et les familles par dessus tout”
“In the parliament, Taubira has decided to assassinate the children of true France and above all the family”

“La vrai famille c’est un papa, la vrai famille c’est une maman”
“A true family is a father, a true family is a mother”

“La vrai famille c’est des berceaux et des enfants qui sont heureux”
“A true family is cradles and children who are happy”

“Manuel Gaz a décidé d’utiliser les CRS, pour matraquer notre jeunesse avec étrange férocité”
“Manuel Gaz has decided to use riot police, to beat our youth with strange ferocity”

“A l’assemblé nous avons voté la décadance commencée, les députés étant des sages, nous pouvons toujours espérer”
“In the parliament they voted the start of decadence, the parliamentarians are the wise ones, we can always hope”

“La Taubira toujours prolixe contre toute moralité, qu’attends messieurs les sénateurs de lui clouer le bec”
“Taubira always wordy against all morality, what are the senators waiting for to shut her mouth?”

“Au président de la république nous voulons dire notre colère, de voir la France ravalée au rang du vice légalisé”
“To the president of the republique we want to express our anger to see France remade in the name of legalised vice”

“Et jamais nous accepterons de voir la famille détruite, par une loi si scélérate si bien fabriquée dans les loges”
“And we will never accept to see the family destroyed by a such a villainous law so well assembled in the masonic lodges.”

Jewel A. has beautifully mistranslated one of the lines, but her version is rather better so I will inform the priest to see if would agree to revise it for next time.

Sebastien adds:

This is something that I missed earlier.

On the night of the 23rd of April, the crowd turned against the media who were to the left of barricade. They shouted, “Media Collaborators!” and chased them until they sought protection behind the gaystapo. One poor journalist suffered the loss of his pretty red muffler from his microphone.

It’s the second video on this link.

One of the slogans chanted is: “CRS, serre les fesses on arrive à toute vitesse” or “Riot Police, clench your buttocks, we’re coming for you at full speed.”

Jewel writes:

Thank you to Sebastien for the translation of the song. I misunderstood the last line of the refrain.

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