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Muslims Behead British Soldier on London Street « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Muslims Behead British Soldier on London Street

May 22, 2013


TWO machete-wielding black Muslims beheaded a man, believed to have been a British soldier, on a London street today and one of the men is apparently recorded on video with blood-soaked hands, saying, “You people will never be safe.”

David Cameron called the attack “truly shocking.” He is lying through his teeth. No one who knows the slightest thing about Islam would consider this attack shocking. Such beheadings were ordered by Mohammed himself. Here’s a news account in the Express. From the story:

A Whitehall source claimed the men were heard to shout ‘Allah Akbar’ as they attacked the victim in broad daylight.

The incident occurred near the headquarters of the Royal Artillery. Cameron is also quoted as saying:

“We have had these sort of attacks before in our country and we never buckled in the face of them.”

It’s true. The British government has never buckled before the obvious danger posed by Islam in Britain.

— Comments —

Perfesser Plum writes:

The juxtaposition—what a lame word—of the frenzied butchering of the reported soldier in the London beheading followed by the butcher calmly walking around with his bloody machete, talking to the camera—is beyond my ability to grasp–another lame word.  Why aren’t the man with the camera and the bystanders  attacking the guy with tire irons from the nearby cars, and beating him until he is a sack of pulp?  Why are they not at least surrounding him and yelling?  How is it that the butchers know that they can walk around?

I recall videos of beheadings in which the victims were led to the display platform and calmly knelt—as if violent emotion would have been inappropriate to the scene.  Followed by the same posturing of the killers.  It’s as if we are truly in a matrix reality, where nothing is as it seems to be (and we know that to be so), and too many of us have taken on the role of mere observer (and future sheep-to-slaughter).

I can tell you that down here in small town North Carolina, at least for now, the killers would have had maybe 25 seconds to live.  But then, we are armed.

Laura writes:

I cannot understand it. People appear to be standing there, watching him.

Danne writes:

Some commentary from home shores:

This sad story, if nothing else, should impress upon you the purpose and importance of our Second Amendment rights and the need to protect it at all costs from tyrannical and unlawful powers that be.

Disarmed British citizens witness to this murder can do nothing more than stand and look on in horror and/or run screaming from the scene. Even the police that shot a suspect are now being investigated ” for firing their weapons during the incident”.

Laura adds:

Australian Mark Durie writes at his blog:

While some said the killers were crazed, the contrary seems to be the case.  They appear to have been acting in accordance with a theologically determined logic which can be understood on the basis of Islamic teachings.  In the midst of perpetrating this carnage, they found time, calmly and clearly, to explain their motivations on camera.

The killer captured on video was referencing passages from Islamic sacred texts. “We must fight them as they fight us” is a reference to a phrase found repeatedly in the Koran:

fight in the cause  of Allah those who fight you … And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out; for fitnah (oppression, persecution) is worse than slaughter; …  if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who suppress faith. ” (Sura 2:190-9)

fight the polytheists all together as they fight you all together”  (Sura 9:36)

Permission to fight (against disbelievers) is given to those(believers) who are fought against, because they have been wronged and surely, Allah is Able to give them (believers) victory” (Sura 22:39)

The Arabic word for ‘fight’ used in the Koran in these passages is qātilū which literally means fighting to kill.  (See here for an explanation of the meaning of Sura 2:190-91, a passage used by Muslim jurists to justify killing.)

The reference ‘an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth’ is also from the Koran (although ultimately borrowed from several passages in the Mosaic law):

And We prescribed for them therein: The life for the life, and the eye for the eye, and the nose for the nose, and the ear for the ear, and the tooth for the tooth, and for wounds retaliation. (Sura 5:54)

The Muslim killers here are invoking a religious ruling that it is permissible to fight and kill people who wage war against Muslims.  As Bin Ladin put it in his letter to the American people:

“It is commanded by our religion and intellect that the oppressed have a right to return the aggression. Do not await anything from us but Jihad, resistance and revenge.”

The belief which seems to underly the Woolwich attack is that because the British government is fighting a war against Muslims in Muslim lands, it is therefore legitimate for Muslims to wage jihad against the British.  British people, who voted the government into power, are also considered to be personally culpable, which is why they ‘will never be safe’ and are told to ‘remove your government’. [cont.]

Michael S. writes:

An argument could be made that black Mohammedans are the stupidest people on earth. Especially “African-American” Mohammedans.

First, Arab Mohammedans capture black Africans and sell them into slavery. Then, the descendants of those physical slaves voluntarily make themselves spiritual slaves of the Devil via Mohammedanism. Stupid. Stupid! Satan is LAUGHING at those lost souls.

As for the black Mohammedans in London… that remains to be seen. If they’re from Trinidad or Jamaica or some such place, my afore-proposed argument applies.

England (Henry VIII) and Scotland (John Knox) mocked our Crucified Lord with eagerness and aplomb. Hence this.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Kevin M. writes:

“I cannot understand it. People appear to be standing there, watching him.”

It’s easy to understand. We have been expressly told to stand by and watch. Do NOT interfere. Do NOT express an opinion.

Do you really think if we had a Theodore Roosevelt in office for the past 40 years there would be a single jihad-spewing lunatic anywhere in this country?

In any Western country?

Enoch Powell is spinning in his grave right now, and the men who fell to guard the gates of Vienna are no less enamored with the open sewer our civilization has become.

Western civilization is seething (I mean that: seething) with men who would richly love to engage these animals and send what’s left to a taxidermist. They are not afraid of some machete-wielding heathen. They’re afraid of our own police and military, who have taken up the cause of protecting barbarians.

Laura writes:

 I find it hard to believe that the people passively watching this scene were afraid of the police.

Wheeler Macpherson writes:

Kevin M. made reference to today’s males being afraid of the military and the police, a feeling you found hard to believe.

I must agree with Kevin. The over-arching fear of today’s males is “getting into trouble.” Witnessing incidents that would have driven our forefathers into immediate action elicits passive stupor among males today. “I might get arrested.” “I might draw the attention of the blue-gloved goons at the metal detectors.”

Males today stand quietly while strangers demean and defile their wives and daughters, and why? Because they don’t want to get in trouble. Men sit in church pews next to wealthy abortionists and won’t even offer these butchers a disdainful glance. Why? “My wife might get mad at me.”

Men, especially white men, have been systematically brainwashed for generations that they are to be nice guys. Don’t dress in masculine, authoritative clothing; wear khaki trousers and soft sweaters and smile a lot. Don’t argue with women; they might think you’re a sexist, repressive, abusive pig. Don’t ask questions when stopped at a “random” checkpoint; you might get arrested, or at least inconvenienced. Don’t point out that a buffoon who happens to have dark skin is acting like a complete fool; you might get called a racist.

Yes, today’s males are scared of the police and the military. They’re scared of everything. They don’t want to get in trouble. When violence breaks out, instead of leaping into action to defend the defenseless, they stand and gape. And then they go home and wait until their children are finished playing on the X-Box so they can conquer some worlds in a safe environment.

Mary writes:

We are comfortable with observation but no longer with action.

Forgive me if I sound like a broken record but I am just recently seeing the extent of the carnage. We have been trained to love the antihero; be thrilled by violence; laugh at sinfulness and immorality; find enjoyment in the sordid and unseemly. For a reason that eludes me, men seem to be dulled and women sharpened through it. Our brains have been simultaneously over- and under- stimulated. We have been entertained into a stupor.

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