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The Ruins of Cambridge « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Ruins of Cambridge

June 21, 2013


CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY was once a bastion of civility and high learning. Now, its gothic buildings tower over vast fields of mental debris.


— Comments —

Brenda writes:

These are the best and brightest? Oh my…..charmers, one and all, aren’t they?

Theodore Harvey writes:

As a devotee of the (traditionally all-male) Anglican choral tradition I’m almost surprised that (unless I missed it) none of those feminist idiots thought to protest the fact that there are still (in 2013!) no females in the world-famous choir of the beautiful King’s College Chapel in front of which many of them are posing. But I bet most of them are so secular that they’ve never even been to a single Evensong. Perhaps your readers can take comfort in the fact that even in Cambridge this one bastion remains unmolested–for now.

Wanda Sherratt writes:

As I scrolled through the pictures, I kept wondering what Lawrence Auster (through whose blog I discovered yours) would have made of them. I expect he would have drawn attention to the men holding up signs, proclaiming their abasement before Harridan Power. Only a few actually looked like men, and most of those were older and bearded. For the most part, they were soft, pulpy-faced mopes, outnumbered by the hard-faced lesbians brazenly in charge.

So this is Cambridge now. As W.C. Fields said, “It ain’t no place for a woman, gal, but pretty men go thar.”

Kimberly writes:

I can’t help but laugh at those kids. What idiots. The most intelligent response written from what I saw was by a black young lady. She said, “I need feminism because I don’t want my success to make me undesirable.” In other words, she needs our culture to suppress true masculinity because true masculinity finds her aggressive, selfish goals as less desirable than a gentle woman that only wants to love her husband and raise her precious children. Shame on the manly man that wants a lovely little wife to adore, and shame on the happy young woman who willingly does so!

She’s smart enough to see that this is making her less attractive. Maybe someday she’ll be smart enough to figure out that no amount of feminism is going to fix that. A wise woman’s real dream is to have a man’s devotion. Most feminists, if they are fortunate enough to trap some unfortunate man into marriage and fathering (and mothering) their children, have to settle for nothing more than commitment, and often times much less. Earning a man’s devotion is a full time job in itself. If these silly, deceived young women think that more feminism is going to bring them a good man’s devotion, they are in for a heart-breaking, life shattering awakening. I hope they will come to their senses before it is too late.

Texanne writes:

The individuals featured in this gallery have no awareness of the fact that they are the products of feminism. This is evidenced by the essence of self they choose to project by their appearance, the slogans they write on their whiteboard (ranging from robotic cliche, to mindlessly shallow and naive, to edgy and hostile), and by their very willingness — even eagerness — to participate in this schoolgirl’s stunt in the first place.

On display here is both the fruits of feminism and the process of mimetic engineering: the deliberate release of a disabling thought virus into the minds of a particularly vulnerable population comprising the university community. The intellect is compromised, allowing emotion to assume control of the will.

Laura writes:

Excellent. Thank you. These “students” — and how painful it is to think of them as that — appear to believe they are saying something daring and radical rather than prattling the tired clichés of the ruling establishment.

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