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Afraid of Motherliness « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Afraid of Motherliness

August 21, 2013


HERE is a very good piece by Simcha Fisher at the National Catholic Register about a gender studies professor who has decided that breastfeeding her son was bad for her family because it gave her an unfair advantage over her husband, who could not develop the same kind of closeness with their son. Fisher writes:

She’s been implanted with all sorts of false sensitivities, which tell her something is wrong — even when everything is, by the standards and instinctive delights developed over the entire course of humanity, going just like it’s supposed to go.

This is what happens when you study gender in isolation, like a bug in a petri dish, rather than approaching it in its natural habitat, which is a world oriented toward something higher than equity: love. Gender is not some kind of evolutionarily developed genetic strain that shifts and transforms according to the demands of society. It’s deeper than that. The day-to-day specifics of gender roles can legitimately shift and change. But when a mother feels guilty for feeling like a mother, then we’ve engineered the kind of problem that causes civilizations to fall.

— Comments —

Anonymous writes:

Will this professor’s husband teach their son to pee sitting down every other time, lest too much standing up like his father causes undue bonding to manliness?

Paul writes:

Women are our gatekeepers. They can say no. Today they are more empowered than they have ever been (it seems, without me being a historian). Ironically, they are choosing tradition men imposed instead of the tradition that nature and Christianity imposes.

Men need powerful control. Men suffered a lifetime of toil (as they continue to do as our laborers) and war and were able to take relief in spoils including rape and promiscuity. Men controlled food and protection, which women could not earn because of pregnancy.

Women always had and still have the ability to make their men miserable, but women now resort to man’s law to put away their men instead of seeking the respite of separation and demanding their officials require men to uphold Christianity and its traditions.

Divorce, like separation, is not gatekeeping but fun and games. Chastity is now forgotten by divorced and separated wives and husbands. Because our instincts are so powerful, it is amazing couples find they cannot reconnect. How do they allow themselves to become revolting to one another? I expect liberalism encourages it and is a major reason.

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