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My Dad Is a Mom « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

My Dad Is a Mom

January 4, 2014


THE New York Times recently profiled “stay-at-home” husbands of Wall Street executives, a minor but increasingly common phenomenon that fulfills the treasured fantasies of feminists. Go to the sidebar of the piece and watch the short, telling video about the life of little Beckett. His mother says she would pull her hair out if she were to stay home and fortunately her husband loves it. What is it like to have a mother who publicly proclaims that she couldn’t stand caring for you? The modern world is a desert of maternal aridness.

— Comments —

F.W. writes:

This is a direct result of feminist indoctrination. That indoctrination has come from the most unsuspected of all places: American Churches! American Christian leaders have incessantly castigated their men parishioners for not Manning Up. Thinly disguised female Christian porn such as “Fireproof” which preach “men have responsibilities” and “women have rights” have inculcated subservience into men.

The guy in the video is the quintessential kitchen [dog]. At least when wife orders him to mow the grass he should say: “I’m sorry. I’m the house slave not the yard slave.”

That may sound harsh but then again, Laura, you don’t live in the androgynous dystopia that is Portland, Oregon, the lesbian capitol of the U.S. of Gay.

Laura writes:

I suggest you put Christian in quotes.

When a man is a homemaker he becomes a slave to a woman in a way that a woman who is a homemaker does not become a slave, unless the man mistreats her and does not appreciate her. The reason for this is that a woman’s power in the world comes largely by virtue of her interpersonal influence. This influence is a force in the home, in the larger family and in the community. A man can rarely radiate this same kind of influence. He is naturally less attuned to relationships, to the niceties of social life and to the ornamental side of the physical environment. So the male homemaker has less power than the female homemaker. Being a homemaker entails far more than simply babysitting and making dinner.

Patriarchy offsets this dynamic and prevents the woman from subjugating the man.

Diana writes:

A male homemaker has been fired from his job and is collecting welfare.

F.W. writes in response to Laura:

I politely disagree. The so called “Christian” churches and their hireling ministers (religion workers) do more back flips to accommodate feminism than a teenage gymnast. Just a few weeks ago, I was at confessional Lutheran church and watched the minister receive guffaws from church members, during a Bible study, about submission in marriage.

The whole Christian marriage thing is a joke. These bridegrooms dole out huge sums for what is ostensibly a one day party. What is going on here is amateur prostitution. The wife gets a fancy wedding, a big house and an SUV. The husband gets sex. So much for all those biblical injunctions to not love the world or the things in the world.

American women love the wedding but hate the marriage. This stay at home dad knows what lays in store for him if he does not kow tow to his wife.

Laura writes:

Respectfully, I don’t know how you are disagreeing with me. I am saying that these so-called Christian churches that promote feminism are not Christian. I am not denying that many Protestant churches and pseudo-Catholic churches encourage feminism. Unfortunately, many churches call themselves Christian when they are clearly not Christian. This is fraud.

I recommend the talks by the Rev. Chad Ripperger (see the ones on marriage and “Women and the Natural Order”). He makes the point, seldom made by the fraudulent Christians you are referring to, that it is a mortal sin for women to work outside the home unless it is absolutely necessary.

Laura writes:

By the way, as far as the weddings, I imagine that many of these men could simply say no to these big, decadent  vanity weddings and still get married. Ironically, in an age of divorce, weddings are more spectacular.

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