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Six-Year-Old “Transgender” Child « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Six-Year-Old “Transgender” Child

June 2, 2014


A Reader writes:

Have you seen this video?

Apart from – or alongside – the horror that is “transgenderism” at six years old, this child also has cochlear implants. They say this little girl began to identify as a boy when she first began to speak – I’m guessing that was around the time she was given the implants.

I know this may seem far fetched, but is there a connection? As we see more children born with disabilities (like deafness) and more children born as the “wrong” gender, is it not possible that these are both the result of some sort of environmental injury in utero? If it is happening to frogs, then it must happen to us, eventually.

Or, even more far fetched but still in the realm of possibility, could the implants themselves be involved? This article  states the implants must be in place when the child is young enough that the brain’s development can be influenced. Who knows what kind of unintended consequences could stem from that?

Laura writes:

The news media love this kind of thing. They just eat it up. They’re constantly fanning the flames of mass hysteria with superstitious exaggerations of “gender identity disorder.” What’s next? Infants with gender identity disorder? The therapist interviewed should be sent to jail for child abuse. Small children are famous for their fantasy lives. What if this little girl were to decide that she was a fairy or a pirate? Would they then proceed to set up their whole lives as if she is a fairy or a pirate? Even if she thinks she is a boy, she is not a boy and never will be a boy. (Notice the androgynous name of “Ryland” her parents gave her. Was it they who wanted a boy?)

This child is suffering from the society around her which is in the grip of mass psychosis caused by diabolical disorientation.

— Comments —

Jeanette V. writes:

I am so glad I was born 60 years ago.  As a little girl I used to wish I was a boy because I used to like to do boy things and I wanted to grow up and be a cowboy or a police officer.  I hated dresses, dolls and loved erector sets and dump trucks. I can only imagine what nightmare I would have been subjected to if I was a child today. (I had pretty simple, uneducated blue collar parents.)

When I became a teen I was very happy to be a girl, even if I was a non-traditional one.  In fact my love of boyish things made it easier for me to date.  What these parents are doing to these “tomboyish” girls is criminal and the fact that the media and society are cheering it on is sick. We have become the new Sodom.

Texanne writes:

Just imagine how many female babies have been aborted before they were able tell their parents they were really boys.

This heartwarming story is greeted with wonder and excitement by the television panel, and the Medical Expert cheerfully reassures them that this is all good. One would think that someone (at least the Gender Expert!) would have brought up the consequences of allowing the child to grow up and become another member of the white male hegemony.

Perhaps by the time this child reaches adulthood, the practice of self-identifying as a person-of-color or ethnicity-of-choice will be recognized as a human right — or maybe equality will finally have been achieved through enforced androgyny.

The smartest and most compassionate among us are working tirelessly to make the world a better place for our children.

Mary writes:

Truly devoted parents protect their children from impulses and whims constantly; to leave children without guidance of this sort used to be considered a form of abuse but apparently not anymore. It will be interesting to see what happens when the lawsuits start rolling in, and it is inevitable that they will. Distraught, mutilated men and women, unable to find happiness or peace or to form normal relationships, will eventually turn to the courts, with multiple targets to choose from, the medical industry and the federal government among them. Of course parents will be the primary target: one woman who allowed her son to live as a girl claimed that she knew early on that her son wanted to be a girl since he reached for a pink blanket when he was five months old. “Really, mom?”

What I see in all this is that several generations have been raised with subversive entertainment as their mother’s milk (mine is one of them), and have been taught to think of “pushing the envelope” in all areas of life as something admirable, either to witness or to perform oneself. The instinct to reject subversion outright as dangerous has been slowly leached out of Americans; the instinct to suppress a desire to push beyond boundaries formed by traditional mores has also been lost to a great extent. With the help of heavy TV use the average citizen may not subvert on their own but they will be entertained by or generally accepting of subversion in someone else; if they won’t try themselves to extend natural social boundaries, they have been trained not to object when others do. So what is considered acceptable has grossly swollen to include the travesty of transgenderism. We are left with mothers, fathers, teachers, shrinks, etc., who draw dangerous conclusions from the whims and fanciful notions of children and think they are doing something truly noble, even virtuous.

Laura writes:

Very good.

You’re absolutely right about this impulse toward subversion. As I see it, it’s also the result of freedom viewed as an end in itself, rather than as a means of achieving and conforming with order. Also, the idea that one should act upon every problem, and not accept anything with passivity, is another aspect of radical individualism

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