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A College Girl Disappears « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A College Girl Disappears

September 24, 2014



THIS is Hannah Graham as she headed out for a party in Charlottesville, Va. on the night of Friday, Sept. 12. She has not been seen since 1:20 a.m. that Saturday morning and chances are slim that she will ever be seen alive again. The 18-year-old University of Virginia student was apparently intoxicated when she left a party off campus and headed back to her campus apartment alone. She texted friends to say she was lost. Surveillance videos show her walking through the Downtown Mall area and going into a bar. She was last seen with Jesse Matthew, a 32-year-old black nursing assistant whom it is highly unlikely she had ever met before. Matthew reported to the police station Saturday, Sept. 20., asked for a lawyer and then fled. He has been charged with abduction, but is still at large.

Graham was smart, hard-working, athletic and likeable. An A-student, an alpine skier and a musician. Her friends and family did not notice or become alarmed by her disappearance until Sunday.

You may ask, why was a sweetly pretty 18-year-old girl, the product of years of grooming, dressed like a street walker? Why did she leave a bar with a man she didn’t know, let alone a black man she didn’t know? Why was she drunk and walking alone at night? Why didn’t an alarm immediately go out to find her once it became clear that she was walking alone late at night?

When women were liberated, they were liberated from common sense. They were liberated from adult protection. They were liberated from the wisdom of the ages. In short, they were liberated from civilization itself. In so many countless cases, they have been delivered up, innocent and unsuspecting, to the brutal forces of nature. Modesty and supervision, as it turns out, were not the result of women being scorned as second class citizens. They were a sign that women were highly valued, even more so in some ways than men. Feminism cried victim — and created so many victims.


—- Comments —

Paul writes:

You hit the nail on the head.  Liberals teach women the lie that they can behave as men.  This lie led to yet another awful story to follow; we all knew how it would end.  TV and film lie: women in bars taking whiskey shots like men.  She was high and therefore uninhibited.  Alcohol is classified as a major tranquilizer, and it acts fast.  It is not mild like Valium, Ativan, etc.  Why else was this pretty young woman alone?  Why else did she reject the company of her many handsome male suitors, any one of whom she could have dialed up using her crowded cell phone inbox?  I don’t know.  Maybe the interesting guys were unavailable that fateful night, and the liberals’ evil dogma prevailed.

James P. writes:

Paul writes,

“Alcohol is classified as a major tranquilizer, and it acts fast.  It is not mild like Valium, Ativan, etc. ”

I do not agree that Valium is a mild drug. It has extremely serious effects on the brain, especially if taken long term. I think it has been terribly overprescribed over the past 50 years.

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