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Charlize’s Status Symbol « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Charlize’s Status Symbol

November 14, 2014



THE foolish and narcissistic practice of ripping African children from their cultural context to serve as badges of political enlightenment for Hollywood’s elite finds its latest expression in the actress Charlize Theron, pictured here in the obligatory fitness attire with her rent-a-son Jackson, who is two years old and whom she is already having trouble controlling in public. Imagine her living with him ten years from now when he is a hulking teenager and she is on the latest of her glamorous boyfriends, far too old to have children or a family of her own. This is the maternal equivalent of speeding down a mountain highway in a fancy sports car, careening around the bends with eyes closed. We won’t see the photos years from now of the spectacular crash. This is reckless sentimentality that is, at its core, heartless.

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