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Boy Pretending to Be Girl Awarded $75,000 « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Boy Pretending to Be Girl Awarded $75,000

December 2, 2014



This 2013 photo of Maines with his father and brother is worth a thousand words. Look at the faces.

THE denial of sex differences, combined with a legal view that defines freedom as the opportunity to destroy oneself freely and freakishly, has once again produced bizarre results. Wyatt “Nicole” Maines, now in high school in Portland, Maine, that bastion of New England “gender” Puritanism, has been awarded $75,000 in a lawsuit against the school district because while in elementary school he was asked to use a unisex bathroom instead of the girls room. Maines has secured an important right at public expense: forgive the crudeness, the right for a boy to pee in the girls restroom. Down with discrimination! Only equality, nothing more and nothing less! Onward, Comrades!!

The ruling portends further mayhem in government schools around the country. Imagine the task of sorting the boys who claim to be girls from the boys who just want to go into the girls room. That’s exactly what happened in the elementary school Maines attended. Onward, Comrades!! 

The Portland Press Herald, which plays along in its reporting with the whole emperor-has-no-clothes political theater that says Maines from Maine, irreversibly male from birth, is now a girl, reports on the award:

Maines, now a 17-year-old high school senior in Portland, was a fifth-grader at Asa Adams School in Orono in 2007 when the guardian of another student objected to her use of a communal girls’ bathroom. Administrators intervened, telling Nicole to use a separate, unisex faculty bathroom.

Nicole Maines – born Wyatt Maines – had identified as a girl since as early as age 2. School officials became aware of her gender identification when she was in the third grade, when students and teachers began referring to Nicole as “she.”

Nicole was using the girls’ bathroom, which in the lower grades accommodated only one person at a time. By the fourth grade, Nicole was dressing and appearing exclusively as a girl, and was initially allowed in fifth grade to use the communal girls’ room, the Supreme Judicial Court wrote in its Jan. 30 decision.

Her use of the communal bathroom was uneventful until one boy, at the direction of his legal guardian – his grandfather – followed Nicole into the girls’ bathroom twice, arguing that he, too, was entitled to use it. In the ensuing controversy, the school administration reversed its course, barring Nicole from using the communal girls’ bathroom.

The lower court initially supported the school administrators’ decision, but the state’s high court overturned that ruling after Maines objected.

Our courtrooms are now scenes of performance art. This would all be laughable if you were indeed sitting in a theater, if you were watching it all in a comfortable seat as pure farce and if it didn’t instead involve the very public exploitation of a young person for political gain. Maines was not acting alone, of course. He was represented by Boston-based Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders. In other words, he is the pawn of political agitators. Maines was named by Glamour magazine as one of its 2014 “Hometown Heroes: 50 Phenomenal Women of the Year Who Are Making a Difference.”


— Comments —

Buck writes:

Don’t read too much into the looks of dad and twin brother in that snapshot. Both dad and brother sound extra proud of the “special” twin. Dad writes: “My transgender daughter Nicole is my mentor,” she “has allowed me to become a real man,” “the twins taught me that we must live both for our children and through our children.”

Sounds like they see this as a blessing in disguise.

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