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A “Rabbit” Speaks « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A “Rabbit” Speaks

January 21, 2015


Hans Hoffman, 1528

Hans Hoffman, 1528

MATTHEW S. writes:

What a beautiful testimony from Pope Pius XII to the joys of a large family, written in the year that my parents welcomed me, their fifth child. Sadly I drank the Professional Success Kool Aid, delaying parenthood and therefore restricting myself to three children (for whom I daily thank God, grateful for the joy they have brought me).

Everything the Holy Father says about the particular kinds of happiness experienced in large families is indisputably true. Some would say that my parents, who eventually had six children, “bred like rabbits.” But I would ask the current “pope:” Which of the six of us is superfluous?

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