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The “Pope” Converts to Islam at Last! « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The “Pope” Converts to Islam at Last!

January 16, 2015



I SAID in a previous post that “Pope” Francis had become a Buddhist. I’m afraid this report is already quite dated. Jorge Bergoglio has converted to Islam. Dear friends, I am sure of it, judging from his words on the Charlie Hebdo attacks. When asked yesterday about the attacks, the pseudo-pope implied, in so many words, that it is reasonable for a Muslim to kill someone who offends his “religion.” Only a believing Muslim would say this kind of thing.

During the press conference, Pope Francis was asked by a French journalist about the relationship between freedom of religion and freedom of expression. He replied saying that both are “fundamental human rights” and stressed that killing in the name of God “is an aberration.” But he said there were limits to that freedom of expression. By way of example he referred to Alberto Gasparri who organizes the papal trips and was standing by his side on the plane. The Pope said if “his good friend Dr Gasparri” says a curse word against his mother, he can “expect a punch”, and at that point he gestured with a pretend punch towards him, saying: “It’s normal. You cannot provoke. You cannot insult the faith of others. You cannot make fun of the faith of others.”

Jorge Bergoglio is a one-man argument for strict limits on freedom of expression.

Stay tuned. We don’t know what religion the Argentine Bomber will adopt next. His religious affinities and verbal atrocities are so free-ranging, we may find him flirting with Mormonism or discoursing on the joys of being a Rastafarian next week. But we can be pretty confident of one thing. It will not be the one true religion.

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