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Bryn Mawr Becomes Insane Asylum « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Bryn Mawr Becomes Insane Asylum

February 10, 2015



Rockefeller Hall at Bryn Mawr

THE INCLUSIVE women’s college must now include men. Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania has decided to accept “transgender, non-binary and gender nonconforming applicants.” (Not sure what a “non-binary” person is. Please, I don’t want to know.) According to the college news service:

In addition to those applicants who were assigned female at birth, the applicant pool will be inclusive of transwomen and of intersex individuals who live and identify as women at the time of application. Intersex individuals who do not identify as male are also eligible for admission. Those assigned female at birth who have taken medical or legal steps to identify as male are not eligible for admission.

I’m wondering: Does Bryn Mawr have a biology department? What do they do in that biology department? They certainly can’t be pursuing science in any meaningful sense. “Assigned?” No one is assigned anything. Sex is really quite obvious at birth. Scientists have noticed this for a while now.

Given that it has supported the spiritual mutilation of women for years and has wanted men to become women for years, I guess it should be no surprise that Bryn Mawr now supports the surgical and chemical mutilation of human beings and the ultimate pretense of femininity. I wonder if a student will actually be favored for admission if his parents have hired a surgeon to chop off his male organ? Well, the women at Bryn Mawr have been fantasizing about castration for decades now. They have it at last. I say the castrated male should get first pick of dorm rooms.

If the school accepts men who are pretending to be women, maybe someday it will accept bad students who are pretending to be good students. (Actually, it already does that under the banner of “diversity.”) Or middle class students who are pretending to be rich. (Actually, it already does that by saddling students with a lifetime of debt.) But who cares? Here we see yet another institution that is fundamentally unsound and can’t possibly recover and become civilized without engaging in repentance for many, many, many years for the souls and bodies it has helped destroy. In the meantime, we are living in a post-satire age, dear reader. How can you satirize insanity? P.G. Wodehouse would be an accountant if he were alive today. We are doomed to seriousness and deprived of jokes. Take it as yet another form of chastisement.

— Comments —

Frances Freiman writes:

Here’s another word for you: cisgender.

This term is in a definition of one of the “offensive words” that the University of Michigan just spent $16,000 identifying and campaigning to get students to sign an agreement not to use:


“This word perpetuates transphobia by implying that individuals who do not identify as cisgender (someone whose biological sex aligns with gender) are abnormal, wrong, or aberrant.”

John writes:

So, as a women’s college Bryn Mawr will accept men pretending to be women, but not women pretending to be men.  Interesting.

And, if you’re still confused about the meaning of “assigned female at birth,” they’re not talking about sex.  They’re talking about “gender.”

I recently received a document from my Massachusetts government commanding me to identify, among other things, my “gender.”  I was forced to do this under the pains and penalties or perjury, with the attendant consequences.  Since I don’t have a gender, how am I supposed to know what mine is, much less swear to it?

Laura writes:

Here’s the story of a woman who attended Bryn Mawr and became a “man” while she was there. Unfortunately, she was suspected of patriarchal tendencies.  That’s why Bryn Mawr will not accept women pretending to be men. They are identifying with the enemy. As she put it,”These are women who have chosen to be in a space where they can be the leaders, they don’t have to listen to men, or they’ve maybe come from a space where men are simply triggering to them,” [she] said.

You see. Bryn Mawrians do not cope with reality. The entire place should be placed under psychiatric quarantine.



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