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Notes from Readers « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Notes from Readers

February 3, 2015


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J. M. writes in a letter sent with a $250 donation:

I’m sorry for the delay in sending this. Your site is the first one I visit every day. It’s a small oasis of sanity and calm that I have come to appreciate greatly. In fact, it’s often the only site I visit. As such, I am in your debt for the work you do to keep it going.

One other thing prompts my support: apart from the purely intellectual nature of your work, you strike me as a rare and very powerful role model for women. I’m thinking especially of women who have been let down by feminism, or otherwise entertain some doubts about its claims to make them happy and free. I’m sure there are many such women out there who feel this way but are uncertain how to start down another path.

I happen to be one of those who believe that the rift between men and women is at the heart of our spiritual and cultural decline. As such, unless women are restored, there is no possibility of any restoration in the culture.

One can never really be certain what effect one’s life has on others, until enough time passes. But I suspect your presence is sending out ripples that are reaching many places and hearts.

With warm regards for the coming year,


Laura writes:

Thank you for your beautiful encouragement and your charity. I hope you continue reading.

Margaret writes:

I would like to contribute $25.00 towards your wonderful, addictive, intriguing website. I love the way you think! Reading your website I feel comforted that there is still a reservoir of sanity to turn to in this world. Thank you. Could you please send me an address to mail a check to? I hope your fundraising effort is successful. For all of our sakes!

Laura writes:

Thanks, sweetheart.

A reader writes:

I was very sad to learn that you will likely be closing down your blog or at least transitioning to a subscription-only basis. [Note: This is no longer so.]

It pains me to tell you that I am unable to send even five dollars right now due to an avalanche of tragedies, setbacks, and horrific situations that have arisen in my family and at my work. If I could send something, I would.

Even so, I wanted to thank you not only for one of the best blogs extant, but also for your kindness towards me in answering my questions and providing resources about traditional Catholicism. May our Father bless you and guide you into all truth, and may He continue to use you as a light in this very dark age.

Laura writes:

I am so saddened to hear of your troubles. I will include you in my prayers today.

A reader writes:

My wife enjoys your site immensely, and I occasionally have time to read what she forwards to me.

If you can send us your payment address, we’ll be happy to cut a check for $65.00 for later this month.

Laura writes:

Thank you.

F. writes from California:

I sent in $25 one time, and I may have done it more than once. I hope you get your quota, but I cannot afford it this time. I read your blog everyday.

In fact, I sometimes worry about you that the email might get too harsh from people with time on their hands. I also worry that a blog might take over your life and I urge you to drop it rather than become a blog-maniac.

The happiest solution is for you to reach your quota and become the happy operator of a profitable home business.

I wish you the best.

Laura writes:

I wish you the best also. I’ll try not to be a maniac.

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