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Black Lives that Don’t Matter « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Black Lives that Don’t Matter

May 30, 2015

THIRTY-EIGHT people, most of them black, have been killed in Baltimore this month, which is a monthly record for homicides since 1996. Where are the protests? Where is the media outrage?

These killings don’t fit the narrative.

The celebration of lawlessness that characterized the recent riots has resulted in more mayhem and oppression for Baltimoreans.

— Comments —

NP writes:

There was an article a few weeks ago in The New York Times.  The best estimate is that there are approximately 1,100 deaths per year in police-related incidents in the entire country.  That includes things such as car chases and standoffs in which a person kills himself.  So the idea that police are going around killing blacks (or anyone else) is ridiculous.  Murders in Baltimore average around 220 per year.  That’s twenty percent of the national number of police-related deaths and it’s in just one city.
When police do wrongfully kill someone that should get attention because it is flagrant abuse of authority, but a little perspective is in order.

Laura writes:

There were 233 homicides, most involving black victims, in Baltimore in 2014.

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