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The Blockbuster Eco-Cyclical « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Blockbuster Eco-Cyclical

June 18, 2015


WHAT is “Pope” Francis’s encyclical on global warming, Laudato Si, the public relations mega-sensation released today, other than a nod to the Conciliar Church of Vatican II’s leftist allies, yet another signal that Jorge Bergoglio is one of them. In a nutshell, that’s all it is: a public profession of faith in a religion that is not Catholic. The global warming movement, to be distinguished from the scientific consensus that the planet has indeed warmed in recent years, is similar to medieval and Renaissance alchemy, superstitions that embrace diabolical magic. The recommended cures for global warming are magic spells inspired by human pride and scientific blindness.

But then Francis will do anything to avoid the real concerns of a pope, which involve spiritual, not physical, pollution. The environment will always be a mess, and the cause is human sin. There are also serious environmental problems unique to our time. But spiritual degradation — the atheistic, modern nation that refuses to recognize a supernatural order — is connected to this physical degradation.

From Novus Ordo Watch:

The institution that is widely but falsely believed to be the Catholic Church — the Masonic Novus Ordo Sect that has been occupying the Vatican since 1958 — has become a laughing stock to the world. At this point we may as well expect encyclicals or sermons on jaywalking while Michelangelo’s Last Judgment in the Sistine Chapel is replaced by a giant recycling symbol. Entirely gone is the idea that the purpose of Christ’s coming and the mission of the Catholic Church are the salvation of souls from sin and eternal condemnation — the only time these concepts are still used is to further some humanitarian cause, as Francis did in his homily for Caritas, and as we have pointed out in our scathing critique of Francis’ Gospel of Man.

Years from now if it is proved that Jorge Bergoglio was a Marxist infiltrator planted in the Catholic Church by its enemies, will you be ashamed, dear reader? Will you be ashamed that you did not stand up and say, “No! This man is not the pope?” For that is how dramatic is his departure, and the departure of his Vatican II predecessors, from the institution he supposedly leads, an institution which is not a club, but a faith with specific, clearly defined beliefs, from which one cannot depart and still remain a member.

By the way, for all his purported concern for the poor, climate change measures typically are harder on the poor. Bjorn Lomberg writes in USA Today:

[T]oday’s climate policies themselves have a cost, which predominantly hits the poor.

Cuts in electricity consumption require price hikes that hurt the worst-off and elderly. Relying on expensive green energy sources like wind and solar power makes electricity pricier and less available for those who desperately need it.

The biggest problem with today’s climate change policies is that they will cost a fortune for very little good. The toughest global warming policy today is the European Union’s commitment to cutting 20% of greenhouse gas emissions by 2020. This will cost $235 billion. And cut temperatures at the end of the century by a measly 0.1ºF.

The American Catholic, which apparently holds that a man such as Francis who publicly rejects Catholic dogma can still somehow be the pope, asks, “[W]hy is the Pope doing this?”

The answer is obvious and disheartening.  The Pope, with a few notable exceptions, most significantly in regard to abortion, shares the prejudices of most left of center educated people in the West.  For them the environment is the cause of causes, and they embrace it with a religious devotion.  The added bonus of course is that global warming, or climate change, or whatever name the scam goes under, is an excellent excuse for more government.  For the left of center the answer to virtually any problem is to scream for more government.  Our Pope has a naïve faith in government and a distaste for free enterprise.  This is not unusual when one considers his background.  Argentina is largely an economic basket case because its political class has overwhelmingly embraced heavy government intervention in the economy, that has led to stagnant growth, crony capitalism and immense corruption, all in a country that is blessed with natural resources that should largely ensure prosperity.  Thus we have the Green Encyclical which seeks to make the globe Argentina writ large.

Here is a summary of the encyclical, which I have not read in its entirety. It reportedly includes not a single pre-Vatican II document in its footnotes, an indication of how far it departs from the Catholic religion.

Thomas Droleskey writes at Christ or Chaos:

[T]he mere fact that a supposed “pope” has endorsed the junk science of pseudo-scientists, each of whom believes in “population control” and “family planning,” that has long been the handiwork of world governance organizations such as the United Nations and “non-profit” advocacy groups of the sort run by former Vice President of the United States of America Albert Arnold Gore, Jr., will result in as seismic shift of popular sentiment in favor of draconian measures imposed by the monster state of Modernity to “save the earth” by limiting our legitimate freedoms (how much electricity we can use, how much gasoline we can purchase, what kinds of appliances we may own, mandates to purchase “green” appliances from firms who drink at the trough of our own taxpayer dollars) as we are taxed for the “privilege” of living as vassals of the lords of Modernity in the world and of Modernism in the counterfeit church of conciliarism.

In other words, Jorge Mario Bergoglio is serving as an enabler for United States President Barack Hussein Obama/Barry Soetoro and every other pro-abortion, pro perversity statist politician, jurist, “educator” (and the word is used very lightly, of course), commentator, “scientist,” celebrity, legislator, and appointed government officials around the world. Bergoglio is using Laudato Si in the exact same manner that he has used last year’s “extraordinary synod on the family,” his daily screeds at the Ding Dong School of Apostasy at the Casa Santa Marta behind the walls of the Occupied Vatican on the West Bank of the Tiber River, and his not-so-secret meetings with practicing sodomites, men and women who have had their bodies mutilated surgically to pose as the opposite gender, and those who are divorced and civilly “remarried” without the “benefit” of a conciliar decree of marital nullity to make it impossible for conservative “bishops” within the structures of his false church to oppose the “progress” of a “re-reading” of the Gospel in light of the “sensus fidei.” In like manner, you see, Jorge is using Laudato Si, which he knows will not be read cover-to-cover by many people, to create a groundswell of support for its false, ideologically-based claims that will be impossible for any “conservative” public official to oppose successfully.

Any Catholic who believes this man is pope is obligated to approach with docility and trust the encyclical’s alarm and its call for global governance of the environment. One can’t go around scorchingly criticizing a pope and picking and choosing which of his teachings one would like to follow. That ain’t Catholic! As Pope Leo XIII wrote in his Apostolic Letter Epistlola Tua:

To the shepherds alone was given all power to teach, to judge, to direct; on the faithful was imposed the duty of following their teaching, of submitting with docility to their judgment, and of allowing themselves to be governed, corrected, and guided by them in the way of salvation. Thus, it is an absolute necessity for the simple faithful to submit in mind and heart to their own pastors, and for the latter to submit with them to the Head and Supreme Pastor. In this subordination and dependence lie the order and life of the Church; in it is to be found the indispensable condition of well-being and good government. On the contrary, if it should happen that those who have no right to do so should attribute authority to themselves, if they presume to become judges and teachers, if inferiors in the government of the universal Church attempt or try to exert an influence different from that of the supreme authority, there follows a reversal of the true order, many minds are thrown into confusion, and souls leave the right path.

And to fail in this most holy duty it is not necessary to perform an action in open opposition whether to the Bishops or to the Head of the Church; it is enough for this opposition to be operating indirectly, all the more dangerous because it is the more hidden. Thus, a soul fails in this sacred duty when, at the same time that a jealous zeal for the power and the prerogatives of the Sovereign Pontiff is displayed, the Bishops united to him are not given their due respect, or sufficient account is not taken of their authority, or their actions and intentions are interpreted in a captious manner, without waiting for the judgment of the Apostolic See.

However, there is an alternative. Here is a brief primer on the position of sedevacantism, which holds that a non-Catholic in the papacy automatically loses authority, not by human decree but by divine law. Sedevacantism is not a cult. Sedevacantism is not a new religion. Sedevacantism is not a form of Protestantism. (The Vatican II religion is a form of Protestantism.) It is a reasonable position in light of this vacuum of papal authority. It means that the “gates of hell” have indeed not prevailed against the one true Faith. Vatican II’s cult of man is a false religion.

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