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Kali on the Empire State Building « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Kali on the Empire State Building

August 12, 2015



The Hindu goddess Kali projected on the Empire State Building

WILLIAM writes from the Netherlands:

After the unveiling of the satanic ‘Baphomet’ statue in Detroit, people can now also rejoice in the projection of the Hindu goddess Kali on the Empire State Building.

The Kali projection was part of a visual show on the building’s exterior last weekend, a display on threats to endangered species and Kali was included for “giving mother nature a fierce avatar against pollution.’ I suppose the fact that ‘mother’ nature pollutes the world much more than humans by way of volcanic eruptions or that humans, in the modern view, áre nothing but mammals, i.e. themselves part of ‘mother nature,’ does not make anyone pause for a second.

So now we have the goddess Kali to project ‘change.’ Her name means “black, time, death, destruction” and could be connected with “hell” and the Germanic goddess ‘Hella’ or ‘Holda.’ She, like Kali, was a goddess of death and associated with the (skin) colours blue and black, being the same in ancient understanding.

In recent years, the people who have tatto-ed or body-painted themselves with skeletal features have increased tremendously and Hella was often half skeletal. There is a skeletal goddess or aspect of Kali in Hinduism too (Chamunda).

There was a notorious cult of thieves and murderers in India who considered themselves to be the ‘sons of Kali.” They were ‘Thuggees’ or ‘Thugs’ and are said to have been responsible for as many as two million deaths. The word is in common usage in ‘black/urban culture.’ It seems pop culture has heralded the return of demons, but this cannot be a surprise to anyone, seeing as the roots of pop culture go back to voodoo and people like musicologist Mickey Hart have shown that drumming was used to summon spirits and gods. Well, it seems to have worked.

It so looks like the world is to be transformed into a hell on earth, in which the goddess of hell -together with her faithful- will judge the living. Isn’t it so? All our actions are to be judged by how much damage we do to ‘mother nature.’ Hell was always a place of judgement, even though neo-pagans want to pretend it isn’t. Kali is the ‘great (black) mother’ and don’t we all come from (black) ‘mother Africa’? Even ‘science’ weighs in with the ‘Gaia hypothesis.’

Not much has changed since pagan times.

As a last thought, I’d like to point out that Kali is called “the destroyer of demons” and that whites have of old been called ‘white devils/demons’ by many non-white people. (True, many thought whites to be gods too, but gods and demons do not really differ in Eastern thought.) Today, they are called thus again by many professional agitators, pop artists, professors in universities and some of them openly call for the destruction of whites/white culture/Christianity. On the one hand whites must give everyone ‘equality,’ health and wealth as if it was theirs to give as gods, and on the other hand they are the demons that destroy the world with their technology and culture.

— Comments —

Laura writes:

Artist Sona Mohapatre described the display:

“In a breathtaking heart-to-heart, Ma Kali took New York last night.

The Divine Feminine , Maha Shakti, goddess of spiritual death, destruction and resurrection, rode the zeitgeist straight onto the face of the Empire State Building.

Fierce protectress of truth, she tells it like it is, she beckons us to dive into the dark, to face the stark reality of the global ecological crisis upon us, and to let heartbreak be the ground from which we awaken and serve.

Perhaps it is even too late now, perhaps only calamity can make us silence the ego and hear the cries of the World Soul, perhaps destruction must be our baptism into change, but this is the time and we are the ones summoned to be the shamans of the Shift.

Never underestimate the power of holy darkness to reveal the Soul of all matters. The dark is where illusions are shattered, where false certainties are broken; the dark is where the mind is cut off so that only the heart can see… It is time to let holy darkness be our medicine. The world as we know it must change or perish.

In an unprecedented and awe-inspiring public display of art by filmmaker Louie Psihoyos and his team, Projecting Change, projected onto the NYC skyline , was meant to spark awareness of massive wildlife extinction, and be a chilling call to conservation turning the Empire State Building, New York’s brightest and most recognizable symbol and capitalism’s earliest totem, into the worlds greatest canvas, as well as its most epic tombstone and oracle of the Dark Feminine.”

William adds:

I had forgotten about two other horrible statues I had read about a while ago: the ‘She Guardian’ in London, a statue depicting ‘maternal protectiveness toward her young.’ The last comment in that article is telling: “I for one welcome our new cat-dragon overlord.”


The other is the statue of the Assyrian ‘king of the demons of the wind’, Pazuzu. This demon is the one who possesses a girl in ‘The Exorcist’, the ’70s horror movie that had enormous cultural impact.

Jane writes:

Equally disturbing is the statue of Shiva, the Hindu God of creation, death and destruction at CERN, the large hadron collider in Geneva, Switzerland.


Also disturbing is the movie Symmetry, a dance-opera film about a CERN scientist.

And here we have Obama dancing like Shiva.


All this makes me wonder what is really going on at CERN.

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