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A Woman Against the Vote for Women « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Woman Against the Vote for Women

October 15, 2015

JOE A., who sent the copy of an anti-suffragette poster, writes:

My dear, sainted mother firmly believed it was an error to grant women the franchise.  In her words, “It’s the man’s job to lead” even if that leadership was mediocre or worse.  “You cannot take this responsibility from him” lest he became a “lazy bum” or lose all purpose in life and quit trying.  In her mind, a wife’s job was to stand by her Captain as a good Executive Officer, follow him loyally even in disagreement, and strengthen and encourage him through the hard times.  She allowed that mature women, past the change of life, were perhaps fit for leadership in certain domains, but never if it would deprive a fit man of his duty.

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