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Complete Suburban Hell « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Complete Suburban Hell

October 24, 2015


Ozzie and Harriet, twenty-first century edition

A lesbian interracial couple moved into a suburban St. Louis neighborhood last spring and all hell broke loose almost instantly. In the past six months, the police have been regular visitors to the home of Maritha Hunter-Butler and Melanie Anthony, a couple that would be banned by any normal, middle class neighborhood in any normal society, even if they had not exhibited the sort of aggressive, bullying behavior they have been charged with since they moved in. But, as we know, the monstrous Id of the Sexual Revolution rears its fiendish head throughout the land. The women have, if the reports are correct, brought a toxic mix of racial resentment and homosexual entitlement to the neighborhood. This is the cultural reality of normalized lesbianism — not Ellen DeGeneres glamor, but two psychologically disabled and cruelly misled women pooling their resources to partake of the suburban dream. Hunter-Butler was previously convicted of murder-for-hire and has been charged with punching a neighbor in the face. Anthony recently exposed herself to neighbors while making obscene gestures in the presence of children. The women are together raising three boys. (Their very worst offense is perfectly legal!) Their dogs are allegedly out of control.

I feel sorry for anyone trying to sell a house in this enclave. The NAACP is involved and Ferguson protestors are on the alert. Neighbors should start boarding up their windows now.

— Comments —

Paul C. writes:

Note the deceitful and bad writing by a supposed professional.  “Backyard neighbors” followed by “one of the neighbors” followed by “her neighbors.”  Huh?  Okay, I needed a reread to get a little sense of the article.  Then we start reading names of people instead of identifying their nature, the fundamental cause of the entire dispute and article.  I refused to read on.

I hate newspaper writing.  They don’t start with a brief description of the meat: a convicted murderer and her lesbian lover who allegedly exposed herself to her neighbors are in a big dispute with their neighbors, one of whom was allegedly assaulted by the murderer.

Are people supposed to be drawn in by the writer’s talent?  To what end?   As a young man, I thought newspapers were there to inform, but I was wrong.  I might read the articles if they spit out the relevant facts right away and then filled in the rest with talented writing.  Are we going to move to the next article without finishing?  I suppose it could happen.  People read articles in large part for enjoyment.  While on an airline, I read newspapers and even airline magazines to pass the time, that is enjoyment.  But there I am a captive audience.

I knew I would not read the entire article from your brief description and telling photo.  Maybe that is why newspapers use their techniques.  But my description (which probably could be more enticing if I had read the whole disgusting article) certainly indicates a lurid story is to follow, if one is interested in such stories.  I don’t get it.

I know you are not posting a link for its luridness but to support your point about how awful our country has become.  The additional point one can draw is newspapers are part of the awfulness: the key words of the news article’s misleading title are an understatement, “sexual misconduct.”

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