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The Mirage of Conflict at the Synod « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Mirage of Conflict at the Synod

October 14, 2015

WE see this week what appears to be great conflict and division at the Anti-Family Synod in Rome where some “bishops” have come right out and said that homosexuality is an acceptable congenital “orientation” (see video above) and other “bishops” have written a supposedly leaked letter in which they mostly protest procedural issues but also say that the Church risks losing its branding edge by becoming too much like the Anglicans (as if they were marketing executives for the Piggly-Wiggly Supermarket chain and not spiritual guardians). But all this conflict is so much huffing and puffing. Irreconcilable conflict is a familiar and inherent characteristic of the Vatican II religion, which is more like an umbrella group for an ensemble of beliefs than the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Faith for which millions of people have died and which will never change in its essential doctrines and worship however many lay people and “popes” happily and triumphantly depart from it. Beneath this conflict is basic agreement and adherence to a system of beliefs that is man-centered, not Christ-centered. All this conflict will not stop the Revolution from advancing. We will see female deaconesses or quasi-priests and possibly even churches where homosexual “marriages” are celebrated and definitely churches where the divorced and remarried freely munch on the liturgical cookies along with other more conservative churches which are stricter and more Catholic-seeming, providing some with an illusory oasis of sorts, but nevertheless are part of the same sect because they do not reject the principle by which these differences are tolerated or the heretics in power. As Dr. Thomas Droleskey wisely notes, the protests at the synod are meaningless. In the end, they amount to theater and smoke which distract the clueless into thinking that what is happening isn’t really happening. Modernism is, above all else, confusion and doublespeak. The fog never lifts. From Dr. Droleskey:

[T]he pitched battle going on now at “Synod ‘15” as “cardinals” and “bishops” from F Troop (“Where Indian fights are colorful sights and nobody takes a lickin’, Where paleface and redskin both turn chicken”—F Troop) is meaningless. The results of this farce have been predetermined the moment that Jorge Mario Bergoglio stepped out on the balcony of the Basilica of Saint Peter on Wednesday evening, March 13, 2013, as he told “Monsignor” Guido Marini, who is no relation to Piero Marini, that “carnival is over” as he, the newly-elected “Pope Francis,” refused to don the papal mozzetta and then asked for the people to pray for him without his giving them a “blessing.” Bergoglio is doing now on a universal scale exactly what he did in Buenos Aires, and it is laughable to see various “conservatives” and semi-traditional commentators try to convince themselves that the farce that is going on at “Synod ‘15” is not part of their “pope’s” plan to make what is purported to be the Catholic Church a DFZ—a “Doctrine Free Zone”—where all are welcome regardless of what they believe, except in actual Catholicism, of course, and how they live, making the conciliar sect a JFZ—a Judgment Free Zone as well.

Thus it is that the now-infamous letter that was leaked to the currently out-of-favor with the Press Office of the Not-So-Holy See Vaticanologist Sandro Magister, who is a close ally and friend of Joseph Alois Ratzinger/Benedict XVI by means of his association with the late Father Hans von Balthasar’s “Communion and Liberation” movement, is just the latest example of the insanity engendered by error and its mutations. While the news about the letter and the comical “no, not me, I didn’t sign the letter” or “yes, I signed a letter, just not the one reported by Sandro Magister” certainly makes for good theater, it signifies nothing other than the fact that disunity is one of the principle characteristics of what passes for faith, worship, morals and pastoral practice in the counterfeit church of conciliarism. And I am not going to waste a single moment on the insanity represented by this letter and the controversy it has engendered other than to reiterate what I noted a few days ago, namely, that those conciliar “bishops” who are upset with the current proceedings at “Synod ‘15” will stay well within the conciliar sect despite all of the huffing and puffing that is going on at this time.

By the way, here is St. Paul refuting New Zealand “Cardinal” John Dew’s view of sodomy, which is not new (or scientific) but as old as the hills:

Wherefore God gave them up to the desires of their heart, unto uncleanness, to dishonour their own bodies among themselves. Who changed the truth of God into a lie; and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature. And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts one towards another, men with men working that which is filthy, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error. (Romans 1:24-27) [emphasis added]

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