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The Orchestrated Invasion of Europe « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Orchestrated Invasion of Europe

October 24, 2015


THE Russian writer Nikolai Starikov says the United States government has abetted the migrant invasion of Europe. The goal? To weaken its own allies and prevent a strong alliance between Germany and Russia. This is a must-see interview. Whether Starikov is correct about the U.S. role in the invasion, and the reasons for that support, he convincingly argues that the migrant crisis has been directed from above.

— Comments —

James P. writes:

It is very common – even standard procedure – for the Russians to accuse others of doing what they themselves are doing, or intend to do. With this tactic, Communists justify what they want to do anyway as “self-defense”, and you can readily see that the American domestic Left also does this.

Starikov made an excellent case that someone is funding and directing the Syrian hordes. My own interpretation is that it is the Russian intelligence services doing this, not the CIA as Starikov claims. After all, Syria has been a Russian client for half a century, and Russia necessarily has far better contacts inside Syria than does the USA. Moreover, Russia has a far greater incentive to weaken Germany than does the USA.

A more interesting question is why is Germany allowing itself to be weakened? As Starikov notes, it is very easy to stop migration if you have the will to do so. Of course, Merkel is a Communist who grew up in East Germany, and she may be under Moscow’s control or voluntarily following Moscow’s direction from ideological conviction. Or, she may just be like so many other Western elites, filled with suicidal self-loathing and thus determined to destroy her own country.

Laura writes:

I agree he made the case that someone is funding it, that it is a coordinated attack against Europe. It also doesn’t make sense to me that the United States government would try to weaken Europe or Germany in this way.

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