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Work Doesn’t Work for Women « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Work Doesn’t Work for Women

October 24, 2015

A Kenyan woman at Henry Makow’s site offers six reasons why careerism is a bum deal for women. She writes:

I would like to tell you of some of my conclusions I have come to from observations and experiences at employment, for males and females. God created us differently and to do otherwise is to upset nature.

First of all, there can be no equal treatment at the workplace for males and females in terms of pay. How can you compare a female ( single – has fewer bills, married – has husband to also support her) to a male who has to provide for himself and his family?

Second, women should not be given managerial positions in mixed gender employment settings.  A  woman commanding a man is against nature and God. The man can’t talk back to the boss because he has a family to feed. He feels anger and that is directed against other females in general. I think that’s something very wrong! Yet society is encouraging this to be the norm and calls it progress.

Also the managerial positions causes women to lose their femininity. By natural law, a man is not supposed/ cannot take orders from a woman. So men, by nature, do not obey women. This causes women to change their nature and become rude and hostile (also dressing like men) to gain compliance.

Also women suffer from mood swings  (I myself included.) One day we are happy, the next day sad. It’s difficult for anyone (men or other women) to endure this instability. Also women are naturally hostile to other women because they are viewed as competitors (to getting male attention). It’s no secret that women oppress other women in the workplace.
Third, I think employment causes women to be immoral and evil. Most office gossip is caused and spread by women designed to hurt or get even with someone. Also to gain more position, a woman can use their sexuality and charm to lure men.

Fourth, employment puts women in a vulnerable situation to be exploited and used. Women were designed to be in familiar territory at all times, that is, at home with family, before marriage, and then with husband his family which grows with her.

You can imagine a vulnerable woman being in an unstable, ever changing workplace environment with total strangers. She gets frustrated trying to fit in. The emotional bonds she forms with people can be easily broken when they get promoted or move away.

See the rest here.


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