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Rape Jihad « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Rape Jihad

January 11, 2016

“THE Rape of Europa,” an article by Blaise Thompson, appears in the January issue of Culture Wars:

Rape stats are hard to come by in Muslim countries because (a) they are seldom reported, for obvious reasons and (b) it is not really considered a crime. In 1975 there were 421 rapes in Sweden. In 2014 there were 6,600. What accounts for this? Do Swedish women rape easy? Did the aging Swedish male discover Viagra? Rape on an industrial scale is the act of an enemy combatant.

Where is mattress feminism when you need it?



— Comments —

Bill R. writes:

Those are some incredible stats. Six thousand six hundred rapes means a woman was raped in Sweden — Sweden — once every hour and twenty minutes, 24 hours a day, every single day of that year. “Where is mattress feminism when you need it?” My guess is, hiding under it, dutifully submissive and quiet as a mouse so long as a Middle Eastern Muslim is on it, whatever he’s doing on it (or any other non-white, for that matter), and assuming he (or they) would even want to bother with a mattress or, for that matter, even know what one was for. As soon as a white heterosexual male lays down, however — probably to rest from his haranguing, overeducated, emotional Scrooge of a girlfriend — out pops an ugly, fat, white rat with close-cropped hair squealing “Rape! Rape! Rape!” Then some leftwing Jew like Sabrina Rubin Erdely can write a feature story about it for Rolling Stone magazine.


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