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“Jorge’s Most Outrageous Interview” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

“Jorge’s Most Outrageous Interview”

February 20, 2016

US Air Force (USAF) test pilot USAF Major (MAJ) John Teichert, releases a guided bomb unit (GBU)-32 1,000-lbs joint direct attack munitions (JDAM) from a USAF F/A-22A Raptor fighter at supersonic speed for the first time near California's Panamint Mountain range.

The Bergoglian Bomber Has Been at it Again.

DR. THOMAS DROLESKEY writes at Christ or Chaos:

Nearly three years after he appeared on the balcony of the Basilica of Saint Peter on Wednesday, March 13, 2013, Jorge Mario Bergoglio has stripped away any pretense of being anything other than an apologist for international Marxism, which is but the stepchild of Judeo-Masonry, and its agenda of One World Governance.

It is not to toot one’s own horn to state the simple fact that there was no need to “wait” to see whether Jorge Mario Bergoglio was a Catholic as his record as the conciliar “archbishop” of Buenos Aires, Argentina, provided all of the evidence that one needed to recognize a man who has been a career-long blaspheming heretic. That some preferred to “wait and see” as they tried to praise the “pope” when he said something that sounded like true elements of Catholicism while reserving to themselves the right to reject that which they knew to be false was inexcusable at the time and even more so now.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio is a minion and precursor of Antichrist. It is bad enough that he distorted the meaning of the Prophet Jonas’s preaching to the inhabitants of the city of Nineveh in his “homily” during the Protestant and Judeo-Masonic Novus Ordo liturgical service in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, on Wednesday, February 17, 2016, Ember Wednesday in Lent. Although this wretched, indecent and vulgar-tongued apostate has given many interviews in the past that have been replete with heresy, the one that he gave today, February 18, 2016, Thursday of the First Week of Lent and the Commemoration of Saint Simeon, shows to anyone who has a modicum of intelligence that he is a willing tool of the New World Order. Modernism is an instrument of helping to establish, institutionalize and propagate this New World Order.

Without any further delay, therefore, permit me to turn your attention to several of the answers provide by Jorge Mario Bergoglio in this latest interview before providing a brief and charitable (charity seeketh the truth, of course) interjections, comments and primal screams:


Jorge Mario Bergoglio has “excommunicated” Donald John Trump from a generic “Christianity” because of his positions on protecting the borders of the United States of America as he, Bergoglio, deliberately immersed himself into what he knows is a hot-button political issue in this country during an election year. He is an insidious, crapulous hypocrite.

Bergoglio’s “excommunication” of Donald Trump from even a generic “Christianity” means that a person who holds a governmental position, whether elected or appointed, can support the execution of the innocent preborn and be considered a “Christian.”

A “Christian” for Jorge Mario Bergoglio is one who opposes the death penalty.

A “Christian” for Jorge Mario Bergoglio is one who supports the right of foreign nations to cross the borders of other nations at will without any regard for just laws.

A “Christian” for Jorge Mario Bergoglio is one who supports “drastic measures” to reduce global warming in order to support “climate change.”

A “Christian” for Jorge Mario Bergoglio is one who supports schemes of income redistribution in the name of “economic justice.”

A “Christian” for Jorge Mario Bergoglio is one who welcomes those who live in sinful relationships, whether natural or unnatural, without any degree of judgment. “Who am I am to judge?” Remember that one?’


Jorge Mario Bergoglio jokes and laughs with mass murderers such as Raoul and Fidel Castro without a word of condemnation.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio accepted a sacrilegious crucifix from Bolivian President Evo Morales that was emblazoned with a Marxist hammer and sickle without a word of condemnation.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio has given comfort and succor to homosexuals, lesbians, transvestites and divorced and civilly remarried persons without for a moment questioning whether they were Christians. Indeed, he has reaffirmed such people, including a homosexual “couple from Argentina with whom he met in the “papal” nunciature in Washington, District of Columbia, on Wednesday, September 23, 2015 (see Polluting the Atmosphere With the Smoke of Antichrist, part nine).

Yes, Jorge’s “mercy” does not extend, of course, to those who disagree with what he thinks is part of “openness” and “tolerance,” to those who deny “climate change,” to those who are anti-Jewish, that is, to those who believe the teaching of the Catholic Church concerning the simple fact that the Old Covenant was superseded by the New and Eternal Covenant that Our Blessed Lord and Saviour instituted on Maundy Thursday at the Last Supper that He ratified by shedding every single drop of His Most Precious Blood on the wood of the Holy Cross on Good Friday as the earth quaked and the curtain in the Temple was torn in two from top to bottom.

Behold Jorge the self-righteous and truly Pharisaical hypocrite, a man who condemns those who “judge” the immorality of sinful actions for what they are and as he condemns a nominal Protestant, Donald John Trump, a man who is not very knowledgeable about First and Last Things even according to the false teachings of the false religious sect to which he belongs, on a matter that is not part of the Sacred Deposit of Faith and thus subject to free discussion among men.

Moreover, leaving aside the specifics of Trump’s immigration policies, Jorge Mario Bergoglio has demonstrated yet again that he really does not believe in the Natural Law and hasn’t the faintest clue concerning various principles that flow from its binding precepts, one of which pertains to the right of nations to control their borders as means to protect their citizens and to provide for public health and safety, and in this regard his own “revolutionary hermeneutic” ignores the fact that his two immediate predecessors in the current line of conciliar antipopes did, while stressing conciliarism’s concept of “human dignity” to discuss the rights of migrants, at least acknowledge the existence of the right of nations to regulate migration …


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