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Feminist Jorge « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Feminist Jorge

May 3, 2016


MOTHER of God, save us from this evil man. Save us by your maternal intercessions from this antipope who uses the code language and feel-good platitudes of revolution to denigrate the moral power of femininity; who seduces so many with his shrewd and preternatural sentimentality; who reveres worldly, masculine “success;” who trades in Marxist lies; who falsely accuses men of enslaving women by not paying them equal wages; who never speaks of the destructive envy and lust for power of feminism; who implies that women are not subject to the effects of Original Sin; who evidently believes the autonomous, material condition of women is more important than the spiritual and life-giving work they do for no pay; and who never once mentions you, Holy Queen, the highest model of feminine virtue, in his despicable propaganda piece on the role of women.

To thee our love and troth are given. 
Pray for us, pray, bright Gate of Heaven.
Sweet Day-Star! let thy beauty be 
A light to draw my soul to thee.

We love thee, light of sinners’ eyes! 
Oh let thy prayer for sinners rise.
Look at us, Mother Mary! see 
How piteously we look to thee.


Vittorio Crivelli

Vittorio Crivelli



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