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The Holocaust Racket « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Holocaust Racket

May 20, 2016

BERNARD WECKMANN is a former Orthodox Jew who has lived in Germany, Israel and Australia. He wrote at his blog in 2013 on what he calls the “mother of all sob stories:”

Few labels are as feared by Gentiles and as liberally used by Jews as anti-Semite and holocaust denier. The German butchers killed six million Jews during WW2 and now the Moslem barbarians are trying to emulate the Nazis; they want to drive the Jews out of their refuge, the God-given Land of Israel, and into the sea.

This is something that everybody knows because the Jewish-owned media tell us. So how can any sane person still doubt? Don’t you feel compassion for the victims of  irrational Gentile hatred and persecution throughout the ages and in all lands?  Don’t you feel guilty and ashamed?

And don’t you agree with the Jews that anyone who doubts that the holocaust happened or even just asks legitimate questions clearly deserves the punishment he gets?  To wit: heavy fines, vilification, ostracism, loss of career or business, physical assault, imprisonment and much much worse.

I will ask some important questions that have been asked many times before and still await answers! To the Jewish thought police I say: you are welcome to label me an antiSemite and/or a holocaust denier or anything else you like! I don’t give a bloody damn!

So here we go! Was Cleopatra really beautiful? Did Columbus discover America? Or was it the Vikings? Did Moses part the Red Sea?  Did Hitler commit suicide? Or did he escape to Antarctica?  Did six million Jews really die? Or is this perhaps the 20th century’s greatest hoax?

Having been born after the above-mentioned people lived and after the events are supposed to have happened I can honestly answer with a resounding: “I DO NOT KNOW!” I have no first-hand knowledge of anything that transpired before I was born.

Anything I have not personally experienced is quite literally nothing more than hearsay.  Therefore, I cannot categorically state, for instance, that the holocaust happened and neither can I claim that it did not happen!

As a sane and self-respecting man, however, I do not just accept anybody’s say-so as the truth. In order to help me arrive at a reasonably accurate picture of reality I assert the right to ask questions and assess the merits of the answers for myself.

United Nations declaration No. 19

“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers”.

The United Nations grants me rights? Nonsense! I have always had them because I was born with them! And I will not allow myself to be gagged by anybody in my search for answers  or in my desire to discuss and disseminate what I find out and hold to be true. Should my conclusions be found wrong (I do not claim to be infallible!) I will nevertheless insist on being refuted in a civilized manner and on the basis of verifiable facts and/or the unbiased testimony of trustworthy witnesses.

It is now almost seventy years since the end of WW2  and the proponents of the holocaust thesis  have failed to provide any proof for their claims. Their response to the challenge is utterly predictable: the same lame accusation of anti-Semitism.

They never attempt to enter into a debate about facts. They prefer knee-jerk reactions of denial, suppression of free speech, smear campaigns, litigation, physical attacks or worse. That alone indicates to me that there is something they don’t want anybody to know about.

When I lived in Israel I spoke to Jews who claimed to be holocaust survivors. Their testimony confirmed to me that  concentration camps existed and that they were not fun-filled holiday camps! Big deal! I knew that already! But not a shred of proof was offered that they were death camps!

I suspected that some of their claims were grossly exaggerated, either intentionally or as a result of memories fading over time. Others struck me as shameless lies. Paying attention not only to what they said but also to how they told their stories I had the feeling that they seemed to enjoy talking about their “suffering”, as if it was – how shall I put it delicately? –  the highlight of their lives. It reminded me of the pompous speeches of Australian war veterans and politicians about the evil nature of  war. Many many years ago one of the few WW1 veterans left at that time said during a TV interview, wistfully and with a smile: “It wasn’t such a bad old war!”

Perhaps it wasn’t such a bad old holocaust either? It has certainly proved to be quite profitable. Look at what it yielded: a Jewish state founded on Gentile sympathy (read: manipulated feelings of guilt and shame!) and built with money extorted from Gentiles.

Then there is the internationally recognised status of  “perpetual victim”, granting Jews a special dispensation to ignore or violate, without fear of censure or retribution, any moral and man-made law in the pursuit of any selfish goal. A carte blanche to do as they please  –  absolutely priceless!

You know the song: “There is no business like shoah business!” But business is not doing so well lately. More and more people start asking the same questions and demand answers. There is this pesky thing called the Internet that allows people to communicate and exchange information concerning matters that Jews would prefer to remain hidden.

Aware of the fact that they have no evidence to back up their claims Jews are now desperately creating “racial discrimination” and “hate crime” laws all over the world, enacted by their whores in politics and enforced by their whores in the police and the “justice” system. The purpose of such laws is clear: they want to cover their own arses by preventing research, by eliminating dissent,  by removing free speech.

They are incapable of caring about anybody but themselves. [cont.]

— Comments —

Paul writes:

It is damaging to credibility for someone to take words spoken by foolish Australian old men speaking about how WWI was not “such a bad ole war” when it was a horrific war with over eleven million soldiers killed, not to mention the additional twenty-seven million civilian deaths and soldier casualties) and use the men’s words to imply that foolish Jewish old people were lying when talking about the horrors committed by the Nazis on Jews and on far more gentiles.  Pain is too often forgotten such that the pain is suffered again and again.  Witness the alcoholics and drug addicts.  After the fact, many of us laugh over the foolish things we did yet escaped death.  But the foolishness of the Australian and Jewish old people is incredible and cannot serve to evidence exaggeration of the Holocaust.

It is true people should be allowed to investigate and to reveal evidence that indicates the Holocaust was not as deadly to Jewish people as most of us believe.

Instead of thinking about the past, people should be thinking about the many Americans voting for Bernie Sanders (a socialist whose ideology comes from Marx, a Jewish person).  Hillary would adopt Bernie’s ideology in a second if she thought it would get her elected.  Hillary is a shameless crook and anti-American.

Sébastien writes:

Looking at Bernard Weckmann’s website, I see that he is also a flat earther. I agree, the earth is almost certainly flat and when you get insulted after presenting irrefutable evidence, it makes the argument for a flat earth even more convincing. Patrick Moore, a well known British astronomer had a lot of respect for the work of Samuel Shenton, head of the International Flat Earth Society based in Dover, England.

Flat earth was  still debated frequently up to the time NASA published the blue marble earth photo in 1972. This photo killed the debate.The same photo was even used in Soviet school textbooks, despite the fact that the Soviets were also supposed to be exploring the so called cosmos. This photo is probably a painting and nothing we are told about space is real. Even on the ISS the camera never turns around 180 degrees because it can’t. They claim to have mice up there but have never shown them, because they won’t act weightless like the rest of the actornauts pretenting to do science.

The round earth is the mother of all conspiracies and our earth is probably as described in Genesis, with a firmament above us. For those new to this, I recommend the Eric Dubay youtube videos.

I have without too much trouble managed to get several people to investigate and many have come away totally convinced. If the most of the world can be persuaded that 6 millions jews were gassed in WW2, then the 500 year old globe earth conspiracy is a far easier to get the world to believe. It requires a belief in theoretical science and to be convinced by few hundred masonic actornauts. When you see the huge number of crisis actors for fake terror attacks its clear that satan has hundreds of people relishing the idea of fooling the world. Flat earth has made a comeback recently because of the obvious fakery of the ISS, the republishing of Samuel Rowbotham’s “Earth Not a Globe” with precise curvature testing experiments that we can do with far more powerful zooms, and of course the Internet which allows people around the world to coordinate their efforts. Globe earth theory has a 500 year old head start, but flat earth is making a real dent in our old beliefs.

When we were taught us that the world was a round spinning ball, something that goes against our better judgement and five senses, we surrendered our reasoning to scientists. We have been trusting them ever since. It suits us to trust them because we can then choose to not believe in God. Many, probably most are comforted with lies A flat earth however forces you to believe in God and order.

“So this modern atheistic, Big Bang, heliocentric globe earth, chance evolution, paradigm spiritually controls humanity by removing God or any sort of intelligent design from the mind and replaces purposeful divine creation with haphazard random cosmic coincidence. And so by removing Earth from the motionless center of the universe these Masons have moved us physically and metaphysically from a place of supreme importance to one of complete nihilistic indifference. If the Earth is the center of the Universe then the ideas of God creation and a purpose for human existence are resplendent, but if the Earth is just one of billions of planets revolving around billions of stars and billions of galaxies then the ideas of God, creation and a specific purpose of for Earth and human existence become highly implausible.”
Eric Dubay, The Flat Earth Conspiracy

Eric Dubay isn’t a Catholic and thinks that the heart of the conspiracy is the Vatican, but if you can set that aside and explore the arguments, you will find it impeccably thought out.

If it turns out that flat earth theory is correct, and I believe it is, then the cosmos and Christianity makes a lot more sense. Up really means up and down really means down. Heaven and hell are not therefore states of mind but real places and the ascension of Our Lord and the assumption of the Virgin Mary are more easily grasped. Thomas Aquinas has 5 proofs of the existence of God. The 5th proof is the argument from design that states that all natural bodies in the world act towards ends. Flat earth theory demonstrates that the sun is 35 miles across and is about 3000 miles away. As the sun is there to provide warmth and light to the earth, it makes no sense that it be 93 million miles away. The infinite cosmos also makes no sense.

If you were persuaded by Bernard Weckmann’s take on the holocaust, do click on his link to flat earth theory. How can someone who was someone so reasonable when discussing the holocaust not be taken seriously when talking about flat earth. The earth is flat, and this subject is not going away.

Laura writes:


I’m not prepared to think about this.

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