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Trump on Paying the Debt « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Trump on Paying the Debt

May 16, 2016

ELLEN BROWN, author of Web of Debt, comments on Trump’s recent statement that the government can just print the money to get out of debt:

The right of government to issue its own money was one of the principles for which the American Revolution was fought. Americans are increasingly waking up to the fact that the vast majority of the money supply is no longer issued by the government but is created by private banks when they make loans; and that with that power goes enormous power over the economy itself.

The issue that should be debated is one that dominated political discussion in the 19th century but that few candidates are even aware of today: should creation and control of the money supply be public or private? Donald Trump’s willingness to transgress the conservative taboo against public money creation is a welcome step in opening that debate.

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