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The Heart of All « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Heart of All

June 28, 2016


OUR world is in a state of intense conflict and decline in large part because of the uncontrolled passions of the human heart.

The human heart — the physical organ — is so sensitive to our emotions that we feel it contract or dilate or beat more rapidly under the pressure of strong feeling. Therefore we think of it as the center and symbol of our emotional life. Fr. Felix Sarda y Salvany wrote:

Therefore, in the human ensemble the heart has a particular importance. Besides being the regulatory valve of man’s circulatory system, it is the sanctuary of his most delicate feelings; it is the volcano of his most blazing flares; it is the hidden spring of most of his actions and inclinations. It has rightly been said that a man is worthy what his heart is worthy. If he rises to the sublimity of an Angel or sinks to the horrible condition of a devil, this commonly happens to the degree he has purified and exalted the sentiments or feelings of his heart or, to the contrary, has corrupted and degraded them.

Human beings cannot regulate their passions on their own. Society cannot regulate its passions on its own. It requires a connection with the Divine Heart to feel correctly. No argument or reason can give the adequate strength to overcome destructive or wayward human feeling. No object or being in this world can set our hearts truly at rest.

 Take up my yoke upon you, and learn of me, because I am meek, and humble of heart: and you shall find rest to your souls. For my yoke is sweet and my burden light. Matt, 11:29-30

God gave us the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to which the month of June is dedicated, as a remedy. By venerating this organ of Christ’s sacred humanity, we strive to replace our own wayward hearts with his. In the Heart of Jesus, which has so infused the world with love, our own hearts find satisfaction. We cannot escape suffering in this world. It is impossible. But the Sacred Heart can help us persevere through every pain, every disappointment, every uncontainable excess of the human heart. So many people wreck their lives because they think they are unloved when they are not.

Here is some excellent reading on this devotion.

O sweetest Heart of Jesus, I implore: 
That I may ever love Thee more and more. 

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