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Forgotten Grandparents « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Forgotten Grandparents

September 16, 2016


In the simple days, the highlight of a child’s life was the trip to the Grandparent’s house. My husband is a preacher in a church, and is hearing almost daily, reports from grandparents in tears who say their children are too busy taking their children to fairs and amusement parks and vacation locations, to visit the grandparents long enough to form any heart-felt connection. He calls this a national plague, and says it is destroying the country faster than bad politics. When families are strong, individuals cannot be swayed to participate in false ideas.

Detachment, emotionally and physically, is encouraged even in homeschool families, making individuals vulnerable to all kinds of evil.

I too remember the simple home life, where there was not so much time to argue with one another. We were too busy bringing in the wood from the wood pile, or heating the water for washing, and gathering in the food from the garden.

Yet, even those who did not live so rough a lifestyle and who had more leisure and personal comfort at home, could hardly wait to take the children to Grandma’s house. The children looked forward to it more than a trip to Disneyland.

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