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LGBT Lies « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife


October 22, 2016


THE LGBT agenda is not kind. In fact, it is intolerant, hateful, narrow-minded and un-supported by science.

See more here. As Peter LaBarbera writes:

Is it not cruel to tell a man who was raped as a boy by an adult pervert – or seduced into incestuous sex by an older brother – that he is now destined to be stuck with a deviant and immoral sexual identity for the rest of his life? With so many ex-“gays” like Dennis Jernigan proclaiming freedom from past homosexuality, how can anyone – journalist, gay activist or scholar – claim that adults cannot change their “sexual orientation?”

— Comments —

Paul C. writes:

Of course the practicing homosexuals and their allied liberal succubi are not compassionate and fail to treat a homosexual condition.  The condition, like many mental conditions, often does not have a cure(?) after a time.  But it is a proven treatable condition.  The best solution is to treat it immediately.  So children need to be taught by their parents whenever the talks occur that if they are having same-sex attractions, it is a treatable mental disorder.

We do know that homosexuality can be learned, witness our prisons.  These are adults.  So why can’t heterosexuality be learned in children?  No reason.

I feel sorry for homosexuals, who have been undertreated because of our liberal establishment, which needs every disordered (including felons) vote it can get to survive, which is impossible.

Liberals don’t believe such baloney based on reason but because they need allies to support their host of fundamental non-Christian beliefs.  Liberal policies, e.g., abortion, are not the result of their desire to kill unborn children but as a means to an end.  Their end is to have sex without consequences, in other words, to embrace the flesh.  It is an anti-Christian ideology.  Liberals choose from a smorgasbord of Christian dogma, as long as it does not interfere with their fundamental human attraction to the flesh.  (Their theology is unsupportable.)  If only they would realize we all struggle with our attraction to the flesh and must constantly fight against it rather than construct excuses for it.  We sin and must go to Confession in an effort, no guarantee, to save our souls.  Sure we are all hypocrites because we say what is virtuous but fail to practice it often enough.  The liberals have given up, more than devout Christians, on bearing Christ’s cross.  They don’t realize our lives are not ours but God’s.  We could not survive a second without God.


The liberals’ minority allies, who also want the comfort of the flesh, ally with the hedonistic liberal agenda despite knowing better.


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