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Is Trump Staging a Counter-Coup? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Is Trump Staging a Counter-Coup?

December 28, 2017

RUMOR has been afoot in the last couple of months of a major operation against the globalist gangsters. Do these rumors have any substance?

The Anti-New York Times has an important entry today about a poster at the forum known as “4chan” who goes by the name of Q and claims to be “a high-level government insider with special ‘Q clearance’ (hence the name) tasked with posting ‘crumbs’ for the purpose of covertly informing patriots about Donald Trump’s master plan to rout the Deep State and the whole Globalist-Rothschild structure above them.”

Some of Q’s predictions appear to have been fulfilled with a plane crash at the Rothschild estate, the sudden disappearance of George Soros from his Twitter account and odd behavior by various politicians, including Hillary and John McCain. From The Anti-New York Times:

Could it really be that Globalist gangsters are being investigated, arrested and even killed? If so, are the military & law enforcement “White Hats” coming to our rescue, or is this just part of a factional war Zionist vs Globalist war amongst competing gangsters? Are Trump’s repeated two-hand drinking episodes that have so amused the late night commie-comics a signal that people are being placed in handcuffs and sent to prison? Is the growing military-backed power of Trump the reason why GOP anti-Trumpers such as Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham are suddenly working with and even praising Trump? What’s going on here?

Who can say for sure at this point. But what we will say with certainty is that something big is taking shape — and Q, regardless of his ultimate intentions, should not be ignored.

It seems too good to be true, but some old-fashioned, cautious optimism, laced with a lot of skepticism, is in order.

— Comments —

Joe A. writes:

If you’re not tracking Qanon you’re missing out on the grandest play-by-play in American history. Many think Q is an elaborate hoax, a LARP. If so, it’s the best LARP since audience participation dinner theater was invented. Some speculate Q is an AI with an altruistic streak and a fondness for the American Cause. Still others notice NSA whistleblower and certified GENIUS Bill Binney has been seen wearing a “Q” pin on his lapel. Some believe Q is a team of White Hat insiders based on posting times and apparent differences in writing style. (Consider the basis of German “higher criticism” of the Holy Bible, where lonely scholars attempt to discern authors and editors by examining every letter and conjugation.)

Whoever may be Q, he’s been foretelling this story since last spring, following the lead of 2016’s FBIanon with a similar story during the Trump campaign.

Q is too esoteric for the uninitiated. His postings are obscured and self-referential to build a set of clues, allegedly to thwart counter-intelligence meddling. But he posts with a stable “trip code” that’s pathetically easy to track so that excuse doesn’t make sense. The other possibility is this: he usually posts clues in the form a leading questions. Q fans go forth and research every possible interpretation, in the process making connections, determining overlooked facts, and identifying trends/associations previously unnoticed.

If Q is a jolly prankster he’s doing the Lord’s work with his prank. If he’s for real, he’s risking his life as are, apparently, many Patriots determined to save America from the cabal that’s usurped her honor at least since VJ Day.

Below you will read a pretty good summary of what Qanon has revealed, much of it taken up by Congressional investigators who are making a public case for Hillary & co to hang by the neck until dead, for crimes of High Treason and perhaps worse.

(Consider any one of these would have earned the gallows in a better age: Uranium One. Seth Rich. LORAL MIRV tech. Weaponized federal TLAs. Fast-n-Furious/Benghazi. NAFTA. Women in the Armed Services. Destruction of our families via LBTQP. Agenda 21/race-replacement. Common Core. And what about Donald Rumsfeld’s aborted DoD audit announced 9/10/2001?)

Yes, it’s that serious. Read and allow your eyes to see, your ears to hear and your mind to be blown.

A Failed Coup (by Kathleen Dynan)

America has witnessed a failed coup, an attempt to subvert America’s existence as a democratic republic where the people elect their representatives.

Americans elected Donald J. Trump as their President.

The criminals involved in trying to usurp the power of the American people are unelected politicians, government employees and the minions they use. Several questions remain, but the who, what, where, why and how have been revealed in broad strokes.

WHO? The Clintons and the DNC are the unelected politicians. Federal Government co-conspirators are senior management and high-level employees of the Justice Department, including the FBI. The minions of these two groups are those in the liberal media and the Congress who fabricate lies and regurgitate the filth and drivel of their masters in this attempt to destroy America. Minor minions include self-anointed elites in the Federal government, entertainment, sports and business. They have shown their gullibility, ignorance of facts and the inability to research, to analyze and to reach independent conclusions.

WHAT? A plot to prevent Donald Trump’s election as President by the people and to remove him from office if he were elected. To be determined is the initial instigator. Did the politicians or Justice Department officials plan this? It is clear that they worked together to devise the strategy, to paint Donald Trump as a participant in illicit sex and in collusion with Bogeyman Russia, America’s dreaded “monster under the bed”.

WHERE? The Clinton Foundation, beneficiary of $145,000,000 from selling valuable American uranium to the Russian government, is located at 1271 Avenue of the Americas, 42nd Floor, New York, NY. The Democratic National Committee Headquarters is 430 South Capitol St. SE, Washington, DC. The misnamed Justice Department is in the Robert F. Kennedy Justice Building in Washington, D.C. The Federal Bureau of Insurgence, is located in the J. Edgar Hoover Building in Washington, D.C. The coup minions are found at The New York Times, Washington Post and the offices and broadcast locations for CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC and their affiliates. Minor minions are: in government offices; in Hollywood and New York; on football fields owned by several, weak NFL teams led by a weaker NFL Commissioner; and in some American companies.

WHY? These senior Federal Government employees, unelected politicians, and minions were desperate not to lose: their influence on how taxpayers’ money is spent; their own wealth and the opportunities to add to it; their control of many Americans. That control is: to share only what they want citizens to know; to shape what Americans think about what they are told; and how to act. The coup participants’ status as elites, those unencumbered by the laws, healthcare, etc. that most American citizens live with, was threatened.

HOW? Members of the coup leaked information to the minions. The minions repeated, exaggerated, made assumptions, lied and tried selling their filth to the American people. They initially succeeded with liberals. However, the hope that liberals will see facts and truth and learn to think for themselves is eternal. But, the upside was that it focused Moderates, Conservatives and Independents on their responsibilities to educate fellow citizens and to vote.

Now, it is time for justice. All involved in planning and implementing this attempt to deprive Americans of the President they elected must be identified. Evidence must be presented to Grand Juries for indictments. Trials must be held so that American citizens decide guilt or innocence of the accused. Appropriate punishments must be meted out to the guilty.

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