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Dear David « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Dear David

May 18, 2018

THIS IS A PUBLIC letter to David Leonhardt, columnist for The New York Times:

Dear Mr. Leonhardt,

I am writing in response to your fascinating opinion piece, “I’m not Quoting Enough Women.”

I understand that you are interested in quoting more women in your articles. Too many male experts, you believe, are asked for their input and you have decided to discriminate on the basis of sex alone to include a greater number of women in your reports.

I would like to offer one name for your contact list. That name is mine.

I am an expert on many topics — meatloaf, mulching the garden, running a home — but mainly I’m a generalist who can comment (typically “outside the box”) on literally dozens of cultural topics. Many thousands of domestic engineers like me are available and, in the interest of fairness, at least some should be given space in the pages of your newspaper.

My medical doctor can certify that I am a biological female. (I also identify as a woman.)

Thank you for your interest in the opinions and expertise of the female sex.


Laura Wood

P.S. Have you ever considered that, given the historic oppression of women, no men should be quoted in newspapers? And that male columnists should, in the interest of fairness, be dismissed? (You see! This is the kind of refreshing commentary I promise to give you!)

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