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The Men Feminists Obey « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Men Feminists Obey

May 14, 2018

FROM TODAY’S Anti-New York Times:

Five separate stories, with one common theme, spread like hot feces all throughout a single Sunday issue of Sulzberger’s Slimes. Here’s a brief summary of the essence of each article:

Women good — men bad
Women good — men bad
Women good — men bad
Women good — men bad
Women good — men bad 

The angle here is obvious. The Marxist-inspired “women’s movement” ™ which began with the suffrage movement of the late 19th century eventually metastasized into the feminist revolution of the 1960’s and beyond. Today, many loony and thoroughly miserable ladies, having abandoned motherhood for the pursuit of “equality” in government and the professions, now hold some of the highest corporate and government positions in major nations throughout the West, and constitute a majority of the university student population.

Yes indeed — you’ve come a long way, baby. How’s it workin’ out for ya?

Given this amazing “progress,” one would think that the “women’s movement” ™ would settle down and savor the “equality” it has won. Instead, the loony ladies are becoming even more aggressive in their holy war to tear down “the patriarchy.” The goal now is not merely “equality,” but rather, a perceived superiority over de-balled and dispossessed men. Note our use of the adjective, “perceived” in front of the word “superiority.” That’s because, at the very tippy-top of the New World Order pyramid, it has always been and will always be a men-only club calling the shots. Ever notice how, despite their total orchestration of the “women’s movement” ™, the “capos” and heirs of the intertwined Globalist Rothschild, Rockefeller, Sulzberger and Soros crime syndicates are always boys?

You see, the fraud of female equality not only serves the critical Globalist objective of degrading humanity by wrecking the traditional family, it also supports the heavy capstone of the pyramid structure because female presidents, prime ministers, senators, and CEO’s will never rebel against the strong masculine hand of the true masters of this troubled planet (cough cough). It is not in a woman’s nature. Though these nasty man-hating harridans (a $10 word for ‘bossy hags’) may fancy themselves as “liberated” rebels who love to throw their weight around before de-balled / demoted male subordinates, they will, paradoxically, grovel like star-struck groupies and purr like submissive kittens in the presence of a strong N.W.O. king queen-maker. That’s part of a woman’s nature too.

Notice how the nasty, bossy, man-hating, feminist Killary Clintonsuddenly melts like butter before the predominately Jewish, all-malemasters of the Globalist / libtard conspiracy.

Hillary and Bloomberg

Hillary and Soros

Hillary and Weinstein

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