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“A Whole Lot of Fun” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

“A Whole Lot of Fun”

August 31, 2018

DR. THOMAS DROLESKEY writes at Christ or Chaos on the unfolding scandal involving “Pope” Francis and charges that he protected a sexual predator:

What Father Carlo Maria Vignano has done is to bring into public light the festering grievances within the counterfeit church of conciliarism [Dr. Droleskey is referring to what many today mistakenly believe to be the Catholic Church], and it is, of course, quite delightful to see the arrogant and defiant Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who is ill-tempered and does not take criticism or opposition very well— remember, most leftists don’t cotton to opposition — suffer as he well deserves for his countless offenses against Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and Our Lady and for the infinite harm that he has done and continues to do to souls.

An admission that Jorge Mario Bergoglio might be living again amongst the poor of Buenos Aires and taking a bus to run his errands as he claimed he had when he was the conciliar “archbishop” there from 1998 to 2013 does not mean, however, that the Modernist principles of conciliarism are in danger of being exposed even if the counterfeit church of conciliaism splinters into two or more pieces because of all that is now coming out into the open. There could be a “conservative” conciliar “pope,” a semi-traditional conciliar “pope” and a Jacobin/Bolshevik conciliar “pope” all claiming to be a true and legitimate Successor of Saint Peter without any of them actually being a true pope and without any valid liturgical rites to administer.

Bergoglio’s fate at this point is purely a matter of speculation. However, this is really a whole [lot] of fun to watch, and I really haven’t this much fun watching the conciliar sect since the immediate aftermath of Joseph Alois Ratzinger/Benedict XVI’s departure from the Vatican for Castel Gandolfo on Thursday, February 28, 2013, when I wrote satirical pieces such as  Auditioning To Be The Next Universal Face of Apostasy.

By the way, the leftist press has long swooned over Francis; after all, he’s one of them. Now The Guardian is saying he should be sacked.

Here is interesting commentary and backstory from Fr. William Jenkins.

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