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Covid: The Fake Pandemic « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Covid: The Fake Pandemic

Report from a Hospital Billing Department

April 16, 2024

A FORMER MEDICAL coder who was responsible for filling out patient hospital bills for insurance reimbursement describes her experience under Covid protocols.

She claims that financial incentives and government mandates led to many unnecessary deaths in the hospital where she worked. Having worked with the case histories of thousands patients over the course of years, she was able to see remarkable differences. The role of money in all this, she reports, is staggering.



A Pharmacist No More

April 16, 2024

A PHARMACIST describes her tragic story, including the sudden death of her 29-year-old daughter, in an interview at Children’s Health Defense.

The pharmacist has left her job, refusing any further involvement with government-enforced medicine.



The Myth of a “COVID Bioweapon”

June 26, 2023

JORDON Schachtel writes:

“It’s understandable that some politicians want to declare the Chinese state (which is undoubtedly an authoritarian actor) responsible for the deaths of millions of people worldwide.

“Lab leak or not, what happened amounted to just another cold/flu respiratory season. Everything else was the result of human intervention. It wasn’t a virus that shut down society and spooled up the money printer. Your government did that.

“None of “the measures” were ever necessary because ‘COVID-19’ was nothing more than just another series of years when lots of humans suffered from respiratory illness. Tragically, every year, millions of people, particularly the elderly, don’t make it through the annual respiratory illness season. This is to be expected, as we are not immortal beings.”

Many people died from gruesome and unnecessary medical intervention and neglect, as Schachtel points out in highlighting the infamous Diamond Princess cruise ship, where elderly passengers were put in quarantine on the ship for a month without adequate medical care.

Of the 3,711 people aboard the ship, only 20% tested positive for evidence of the coronavirus, via shoddy PCR swabs. Yet among those 20 percent, the vast majority of passengers and crew who tested positive had zero symptoms.



The PCR Hoax

September 20, 2022

NOBLE PRIZE-winning biochemist Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test used to declare the Covid pandemic, blasted Anthony Fauci in this interview, which took place before Mullis’s death at the age of 74 in 2019.

Mullis said the test he invented should never be used to diagnose viral illnesses.




The Coming Right-Wing Ascendancy

July 12, 2022

SO ‘cyber attacks’ is how they plan to sell the coming deflationary collapse. Likely, such ‘attacks’ will be a huge ‘national security issue’. There will be much fanfare, and it’s hard to see how the current ‘leftist’/Great Reset lot is not going to get ousted. They have done everything possible to make themselves as hated as possible. Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates are not expected to ‘succeed’, they’re just there to scare everybody in the desired direction: the right wing of the Beast.

“It’s not just me saying this: Uncle Vlad himself recently stated he expects a ‘change of elites’ in the West shortly, and that ‘rightist’ and ‘populist’ Governments will take over.

“Once all this plays out, the Fed will also cease suppressing Gold, which will then start its ascent into the stratosphere.

“People will eat it all up, and be ‘relieved’. But nothing will be solved.”

— Anthony Migchels of Real Currencies



Increased U.S. Mortality, 2020-21

May 13, 2022

Abstract: “We investigate why the USA, unlike Canada and Western European countries, has a sustained exceedingly large mortality in the “COVID-era” occurring from March 2020 to present (October 2021). All-cause mortality by time is the most reliable data for detecting true catastrophic events causing death, and for gauging the population-level impact of any surge in deaths from any cause. The behaviour of the USA all-cause mortality by time (week, year), by age group, by sex, and by state is contrary to pandemic behaviour caused by a new respiratory disease virus for which there is no prior natural immunity in the population. Read More »


COVID: The Unanswered Questions

April 20, 2022

FROM “Relentless Truth” on Telegram:

 – Where the flu went in 2020

– Why the global death count didn’t change in 2020

– Why Covid didn’t wipe out the homeless population Read More »


The Religious Roots of Covidianity

March 14, 2022

I CONTINUE to see people driving alone in face masks.

These people are not just victims of false theories of contagion. It seems that they have slipped into a generalized antipathy toward the physical world, believing it to be fundamentally dangerous and predatory. I can only imagine how miserable this state of mind is. While it’s true, nature is against us, the COVID believers so exaggerate this danger that every particle of air and solid surface is potentially lethal. They are at war with nature itself. Some of these people will never recover a state of ease, except in their own micro-managed, anti-bacterial homes.

The plannedemic spawned a seemingly new religious cult in America, but actually it is one with deep ideological roots in this country. Covidianity is quintessentially American.

Two main aspects of this cult’s belief system are 1) a Gnostic belief in the evil of physical matter and 2) morally-righteous utopianism.

I offer a few quick thoughts here on these roots, but they are entirely inadequate to the subject.

The Puritans brought similar harsh views of the physical world to these shores. Their Sabbath protocols, for instance, were opposed to any kind of natural pleasure. They disdained all ornament in dress, which would be too reminiscent of the feasts and festivities of Old Europe. Their worldview would later develop into the Prohibition movement, which banned the sale of all alcohol. The Puritan was extremely moralistic and totalistic in regard to sensual dangers.

The Puritans also brought utopianism and a spirit of activism, what Scottish philosopher David Hume called a “gloomy enthusiasm.” From Hesiod’s Corner: Read More »


Vax Passport Moves Forward

March 4, 2022

FROM Kit Knightly at OffGuardian:

Countries all over the world are totally scrubbing their Covid measures, mask mandates and social distancing rules.

The CDC has changed their guidance on vaccine doses, and said people don’t need to wear masks anymore. Boris has done the same, and (some) of the UK’s emergency powers are going to expire soon.

It seems like Covid is over, and the good guys won, right? Read More »


Unfrozen Accounts in Canada

February 25, 2022

FROM The Last Refuge:

Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland essentially broke the financial code of Omerta, by highlighting how easy it is for government to seize your bank accounts, credit cards, retirement accounts, insurance, mortgages, loan access and cut you off from money (without due process).

The unintended consequence was an immediate and clear reference point if government did the same action with a digital ID in place.

However, this undermined confidence and faith in the banking system cannot be restored quickly.  The toothpaste cannot be put back into the tube. The horse has left the barn.

Quickly this becomes a moment for immediate damage control by the Canadian government. This explains why Justin Trudeau dropped the declaration of the Emergency Act.

It all makes sense now.  All of it.

Read more.




February 25, 2022

PROPAGANDA is the conscious manipulation of the thoughts and feelings of the multitudes. Covid propaganda has involved endless verbal manipulation, both subtle and not-so-subtle.

Consider one small element in this mass campaign — one drop in the tsunami of words.  Searching for the term “Covid measures” in Google, I came up with 333** million results. In the last few days alone there were dozens of news stories that referred to Covid “measures.” Read More »


What Happened in Ottawa?

February 22, 2022

WERE the “police” who brutally attacked protestors in Canada not Canadian police at all? (Language warning.)



The Necessity of Self Defense

February 21, 2022

LAST MONTH, the unnamed man pictured above was approached by an armed 18-year-old in the Fairmount neighborhood of Philadelphia. In one of three attempted carjackings that night in the city, the teenager demanded his car.

Instead, the driver pulled out a gun and fired five times. His action may have saved his life. The teenager fled and was later treated at a hospital.

Too bad 60-year-old, military veteran George Briscella who was shot and killed by a carjacker this month while leaving his mother’s home in Northeast Philadlephia; 70-year-old Chung Chin who was savagely beaten to death by carjackers in December; 25-year-old Milan Longcar who was shot and killed last year in Philadelphia while walking his dog; and 21-year-old Samuel Collington who was shot and killed two months ago in a carjacking near Temple University were all not armed and ready. They might all be alive today.

America’s cities are more dangerous than ever, now with frequent and unbelievably brazen carjackings, which have reportedly risen by more than 500 percent in major cities and which Philadelphia Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw (bad enough that she’s a woman, but the name!) attributes in part to the normalization of face masks, which have predictably provided thugs with a new level of anonymity.

In the case of Longcar, his sister said that she and his friends were so shaken by his murder that they would be moving out of Philadelphia.

Are these neighborhoods going to be left to criminals? Will the people who cannot move to another location become more and more threatened?

Whites such as Longcar’s sister and Collington have learned complete passivity in the face of mortal threats to their existence. The answer is not for everyone to move, but for an armed and ready citizenry to emerge. Most teenagers engaging in acts of theft do not want to risk their lives and the police alone cannot possibly prevent these crimes. Only when criminals know that they may endanger themselves will our cities ever be reasonably safer.

It is essential not only for law-abiding adults to learn to wield a gun, but also to familiarize themselves with the laws in each state so that they themselves are not arrested after justified self defense. In the case of the driver above, he understood how to explain his action: his life was in danger.

Just a reminder on the morality of gun use:

“…the act of self-defense may have two effects, one is the saving of one’s life, the other is the slaying of the aggressor. Therefore this act, since one’s intention is to save one’s own life, is not unlawful, seeing that it is natural to everything to keep itself in ‘being,’ as far as possible. And yet, though proceeding from a good intention, an act may be rendered unlawful, if it be out of proportion to the end. Wherefore if a man, in self-defense, uses more than necessary violence, it will be unlawful: whereas if he repel force with moderation his defense will be lawful, because according to the jurists [Cap. Significasti, De Homicid. volunt. vel casual.], ‘it is lawful to repel force by force, provided one does not exceed the limits of a blameless defense.’ Nor is it necessary for salvation that a man omit the act of moderate self-defense in order to avoid killing the other man, since one is bound to take more care of one’s own life than of another’s.”

— St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Q. 64 murder, Article 7

These crimes are committed — possibly without exception — by blacks, incited and emboldened no doubt by the orchestrated war against social order. They encourage anger to be displaced from those committing the incitement, who are engaging in a controlled demolition of our economy and society at large, to the savage and powerless. The majority of victims in cities like Philadelphia are black and most of the perpetrators end up with ruined lives in jail.



Ontario Premier Demolishes Covid Narrative

February 17, 2022

HE didn’t go so far as to acknowledge that Covid isn’t even a distinct contagious disease, but Ontario Premier Doug Ford committed a remarkable act of apostasy earlier this week by saying that the entire prevention paradigm has been a failure and most people want to move on. Kudos to Mr. Ford for his honesty. Read More »


The False Wuhan Bioweapon Narrative

February 14, 2022

COVID is not a contagious virus and it is not a bioweapon out of China. Timothy Fitzpatrick debunks the Wuhan bioweapon propaganda and explains its purpose.

The real biological weapons, by the way, are the toxins in our air, water, food and pharmaceuticals, things which no one talks about — conveniently for those who profit from poison.


Read More »


Idolatry and Medicine

February 11, 2022

I cannot endorse all the content at Vaccine Impact, but here is an excellent piece by Brian Shilhavey on how illness is defined:

Today, modern Western culture has completely changed the concept of “sickness” to deal only with the physical nature of man, with the absence of any concept of “sin” or morality.

As I wrote in my recent article, What is Life?, this can be traced historically to the period in Europe during the late 1700s and early 1800s known as “the Great Awakening” or the period of “Enlightenment,” where academic thought was being influenced by men such as Karl Marx (communism), Karl Ritter (Aryan race), and Charles Darwin (evolution), where the higher forms of human life, ζωή (zóé) which includes “eternal life (spiritual)”, and ψυχή (psuché) which can be translated as “soul,” where excluded in favor of the lower, only physical part of human life, βίος (bios), which gave us Darwinian biology, and the theory of “evolution” of the human race apart from God. Read More »


Two Years in Tyrantland

February 3, 2022

ALAN writes:

The cast of television’s “Father Knows Best” appear in a 1959, 33-minute film called “Twenty-Four Hours in Tyrantland,” produced by Screen Gems television in co-operation with the U.S. Treasury Dept.  It is a dramatization of how tyranny becomes possible when people are gullible or apathetic enough to permit the enactment of non-objective laws and the surrender to government of arbitrary power that such laws make possible.  In light of two years of COVID Tyranny, it is well worth watching.

Father Jim Anderson (portrayed superbly by actor Robert Young) says to his apathetic children: “What would happen if everyone in America was as little concerned about our way of life as you are?  Why, freedom would go zinging right out the door. “

“Oh, you know that’s not going to happen,” his daughter Betty replies (portrayed by actress Elinor Donahue).

To which he responds, “It could happen much easier than you think.”

If Americans learned anything from such warnings, it was not evident in 2020 when they allowed their nation to be made into a kind of Tyrantland. Read More »


The Trucker as Enemy of the People

January 31, 2022

AFTER reading this opinion piece about the truckers protesting in Ottawa by David Moscrop of The Washington Post, it occurred to me just how deep anti-trucker sentiment is among the “educated” and enlightened. Moscrop does not hold back, calling the dissident drivers “toxic,” “far-right,” “authoritarianist” and “insidious extremists.” You can find similar vitriol in other news pieces and in statements from politicians over the past few days.

This disdain perhaps does not apply only to the truckers protesting forced medical injections — the real issue at hand that Moscrop doesn’t even acknowledge, thus suggesting the truckers are engaging in indiscriminate, “anti-government” trouble-making — but to truckers as a class.

Truckers are part of the invisible class of men that keep the economy going by doing often unpleasant jobs. What could be worse?

** Truckers are overwhelmingly white men, i.e. they are “white supremacists”

** Truckers don’t go to college

** Truckers don’t go to diversity and inclusion seminars

** Truckers control our food supply

** Truckers drive big, big vehicles and are responsible for destroying the planet

** Truckers don’t read The Washington Post or listen to NPR

Whatever happens in the next few days in Ottawa, and however encouraging all the support from ordinary Canadians who have cheered the truckers on is, I predict truckers in general are not going to come out looking good, at least not in the news. I also believe those in power genuinely fear the trucker. He is organized with his brothers; he could refuse to participate in, or expose, deliberate sabotage of our supply lines; he is not easily seduced by propaganda and he could weaponize his vehicle. Expect truckers to be increasingly portrayed as villains in order to rally the people against them and ultimately to automate their jobs out of existence.


— Comments —

Zeno writes:

Besides the general animus against truckers (and against working-class people in general, which is not new — but then, isn’t the Washington Post owned by a famous billionaire?), what strikes me is the expression used in the title, which I read as “toxic freedom”. Yes, I suppose the writer is applying it only to the “Freedom Convoy”, but it does seem to be a rant against “freedom” in general.

The same people who supposedly pushed “freedom” until recently — “freedom” to have sex with anyone, “freedom” to divorce, “freedom” to abort babies, now appear to be increasingly against freedom in any way or form — even the most basic freedoms of movement, of choosing which medicine to take, and even of protesting against unfair rules.

They really, really want us to be slaves, with no choice other than whatever the elites decide is “good”, and they will stop at nothing to do it — they will even turn us into cyborg automatons if they can. Scary stuff.

Laura writes:

Moscrop is guilty of projection.

He’s the insidious extremist and authoritarianist.