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Catholic Bishops Applaud the Construction of Mosque « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Catholic Bishops Applaud the Construction of Mosque

May 27, 2011



The top story at Rorate Caeli yesterday was depressing and another example of how the liberalism of Vatican II has indeed let the smoke of Satan into Christian sanctuaries: Italian prelates’ advocating the building of an “official” (and no doubt enormous) mosque for the “Moslems of Milan.” I put that in scare-quotes because to me the notion of Milan as a hometown of Moslems is inexpressably bizarre. The rationale seems to be that the Roman Catholic Church must stand up for a universal right to freedom of worship, a warm-‘n-fuzzy concept presumably articulated in the Vatican II documents somewhere, no matter who or what is being worshipped and no matter to what end. But then doesn’t consistency demand that if born-again Aztecs decide they want to rebuild the pyramid of Tenochtitlan to reinstate the time-honored worship of Huitzilopochtli so cruelly interrupted by the Spaniards, the Cardinal Archbishop of Mexico City should endorse their demand for freedom of worship as well?

Am I missing something, or didn’t Popes used to teach that error has no rights? Why on earth are Catholic leaders agitating for the right of alien adherents of a violently anti-Christian religion to worship freely and openly – and no doubt at considerable expense to the Christian natives – in a Christian country, one they have probably invaded illegally in the first place? When did it become the job of Catholic priests to make it easier to practice false religions? Especially as it is Islam we are talking about, I don’t have to think very hard to know what Popes of sterner stuff, like Urban II or St. Pius V, would have had to say about this suicidal ecumenism. Pius V would probably have referred these criminous clerics to the Inquisition! In this instance, it’s hard not to divorce this folly from John Paul II’s Koran-kissing loss of self-control at Assisi. Christendom’s ragged remains will be paying for that failure of judgment for a long time.

Like many Catholics of a Traditional bent, I was mildly excited when Universae Ecclesiae was released, as I had been by Summorum Pontificum. Unfortunately, though, those developments still run counter to the prevailing trend of the Church, a relentless liberalism seemingly hell-bent on purging her of everything that has made the Church great over the millennia. I know we are told that the gates of Hell will not prevail against Christ’s Church, but something has got to give, and soon. The Catholic Church is the last, best hope of the West, but today most of her influential leaders are playing for the other team. Catholic prelates’ advocating anything that benefits Islam is criminal negligence of their duties, at best.


                                                             — Comments —

Michael S. writes:

It just so happens that this morning I listened to a homily by Fr. Chad Ripperger, FSSP on the Kingship of Christ, wherein he argues, among other things, that only the Roman Catholic Church has the right to offer public worship to God. Fr. Ripperger’s website is a gold mine.

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