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The Game and the Black Man « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Game and the Black Man

May 27, 2011


NO ONE is more immune from criticism in America than the black man. It’s true that when he is caught in the actual commission of a crime he is held to account for his actions as an individual, but not as part of a larger group. Otherwise, he can live a life of hedonism, selfishness and ingratitude without risking his image. The black man is guilty of only his own most outrageous crimes. While the white man is responsible for the sins of all white men, the black man’s sins are his alone, but even then he is suspected of being a victim. There are neighborhoods of hundreds of black families where there may be as few as half a dozen married men. We are to believe that the black man, due to the ravages of slavery, was forced to hand over support and care of his children to the government and the overworked black woman, who is his sex slave and economic drudge.

Still, despite the behavior of his peers, the black man is considered worthy of fame and adulation in the athletic world. Though the famous athlete rarely, if ever, uses his power to criticize the behavior of black men and to openly express gratitude to the society that provided him with such opportunity, he is considered a model for all.

At Cambria Will Not Yield, the blogger CWNY reflects on the weird world of contemporary sports and the worship of the misbehaving black athlete. He writes:

In a totalitarian, democratic, egalitarian society such as the United States of America, there is no aspect of the citizen’s daily life that is not used for propaganda purposes. Sport, at least as pertains to males, is the primary propaganda instrument of the government. You could claim that the United States government does not force white males to watch Negro-worshiping sporting events, and you would be correct, to a certain extent. The U.S. government does not use the straight-forward, masculine form of compulsion championed by the former Soviet Union, but the United States does compel in a more feminine, seductive way. In the soulless, meaningless world of modernity that is the United States, where can a man turn to get some transitory relief from the mundane reality of modernity? The more energetic turn to illicit sex, while the rest of the white males turn to sport. And our sports reflect the ideology of our government. Men that couldn’t be reached by any other means, because they don’t care about anything else, are reached and indoctrinated through sporting events.

You may ask, well, what should we do? Are we to prevent black athletes from playing games too?

We should shrink from the worship of the black athlete no matter how great his prowess. Given the lack of civility in black America, there is even a case to be made that no black man should be doing anything so frivolous as professionally playing a game. Black people are murdered every day of the week by other blacks. Where are the strong, athletic men to defend them? No black man should be doing anything so frivolous as playing a professional game until his house is in order. And no white man should enjoy watching him do it.


                                                — Comments —

Howard Sutherland writes:

Your comments about black men and games is very tough, but I think it is fair. My wife thinks I am crazy when I make the following observation, but I think there is something to it. Much of the mainstream media obsession about pushing televised sports on us all the time is that it shows us lots of strong, dominant, totally in-control black men. That what we see on the screen – except for the tattoos and jumbo-diamond earrings – is very different from the reality of most black men’s lives is precisely the point. It is the same impulse that gives us movies and TV shows where black men are presidents (I know that’s half-true now in real life, but the point stands), heart surgeons, nuclear physicists, etc., while white men – with an exception for Jewish men, usually portrayed as clever – are feckless, stumble-bum doofuses. Liberals are hard at work trying to convince the rest of us that the world really is as they wish it were. 

It is social programming. But what sort of social programmer wants to create a society where someone like Michael Vick – now minting money again in the NFL after his brief detour through the Big House – is a role model? Is such a person utterly heedless of consequences, or something much worse? I don’t know the answer. 

I do know that the programming works to a depressing degree. Although I rarely watch televised sports anymore, I saw two things in rapid succession recently that brought home for me just how much American sporting behavior now conforms to ghetto norms. My wife and I had gone to Sunday brunch at a local restaurant, and there was a TV screen in view. It was showing a NCAA lacrosse tournament game between Maryland and North Carolina. I’m an old college lacrosse player, so I took a brief interest. As far as I could see, all the players on the field were white. Nevertheless, after every goal (and goals are pretty frequent in lacrosse) there was a jumping, hugging, fist-bumping and high-fiving melee modeled on NFL end-zone excesses. When I played, after our team scored a goal we might clap once and cheer a bit, then line up for the next face-off. Interspersed with the lacrosse game were New York Yankees highlights focusing on the powerhouse 1961 team, with film of Roger Maris hitting his record-breaking 61st home run in the last game of the season. Maris hits the ball, runs the bases and is greeted at home plate with a brief handshake from Mickey Mantle – who is only there because he happens to be in the on-deck circle. Then, without further fanfare, Maris goes to the dugout, where he has to be induced to climb back up the steps and tip his cap to the fans. Contrast that restraint with the group-grope – from players of any color – that accompanies any big score in a game today.

Clem writes:

“While the white man is responsible for the sins of all white men, the black man’s sins are his alone, but even then he is suspected of being a victim. ” 

Indeed, and as a ‘victim’ the white man is held responsible for all of the black man’s sins as well. In today’s society blacks are not responsible for what they do.


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