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The Mind-Boggling Speed of Revolutionary Change « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Mind-Boggling Speed of Revolutionary Change

June 30, 2015



I recommend that you spare some space on your busy blog to this piece of propagandistic “history,” which nonetheless contains the following very important observation:

“The [New York Times] seems to have always had a pro-pizza bias. In a 1947 full-page Times spread, food writer Jane Nickerson insisted that ‘pizza could be as popular a snack as the hamburger if Americans only knew more about it.’

“This pizza ignorance became legal record when an upstate jury had to have pizza explained to them during a 1950 New York Supreme Court appellate hearing.”

The speed with which the forces of Progress have transformed this country is a terrible marvel.  The article notes that within 12 years of the proceedings described above, pizza had reached almost hot-dog levels of popularity in America.

Still, it is encouraging to note that not so long ago, things were very different.  This suggests that they could be so once more.

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