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Why We Are Where We Are « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Why We Are Where We Are

June 29, 2015

FROM Novus Ordo Watch:

This past Friday, June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court of the United States of America (SCOTUS) handed down its decision in the case Obergefell v. Hodges, in which five of the nine judges “decided” that states do not have the right to refuse to issue marriage licenses to “couples” of the same sex. In other words, this Supreme Court decision “legalized” and imposed the unnatural aberration known as “gay marriage” in all 50 states.

This latest attack on society, the common good, the natural law, and all that is right and just is simply the latest milestone in the gradual dismantling of what was at one point Christian Western society. This monstrous and absurd decision did not, however, come unexpected. To the contrary, it is simply the logical conclusion of the idea that the sexual act can be divorced from procreation, or the latter can be subordinated to some other purpose. If sexuality is essentially or most importantly about pleasure or affection or some other such non-procreative end, then logically any sort of “arrangement” must be allowed that furthers such an end between consenting adults. And this also means that it’s going to get worse from here.

However, there is no reason to be discouraged or despair. On the contrary. Judging from the viewpoint of Divine Revelation and prophecy, we could say that “everything is going according to plan” — so to speak.

Read more here.


— Comments —

William writes:

Many have now come to believe that the primary purposes of the sexual act in human beings is for pleasure and for pair bonding, with a diminution in the regard for its function for procreation. In E. O. Wilson’s book “On Human Nature,” the social-biologist pleads those very purposes for human sexuality, while chiding Catholic teaching about procreation being the primary purpose of sex. That way of thinking is strange for rational human beings because I would say that it is only human beings who are capable of linking the sexual act to reproduction.

Other creatures engage in the act for reasons that to them are instinctual. In many cases it is most likely due to the pleasure they experience in the act. They are not capable of associating the sexual act with the production of newborn babies of its own species. They may make nests, but they do it instinctually. However, we humans know the act is a requirement for the propagation of the species, whatever the experience of the participants. Nature or God made it so that we experience pleasure and in so doing encourages the act, for it is necessary for the species’ survival. People who are arguing that the primary purpose is pleasure is allowing themselves to view the act like the animals do. An analogy to their argument is that of saying the primary purpose of eating is for the pleasure the food imparts to the tongue and the senses and also for the socialization during the act of eating. If an animal could speak, that would be the response one would get from it.

The fact is the primary purpose for eating is survival, just like the purpose for sex is survival, not pleasure. Pleasure is an experience that was created to ensure we perform those activities like sex, eating, sleeping, etc. Their argument is anti-Darwinian, in that Darwin, from what I understand from my little knowledge of the theory of evolution, argued that creatures acted in a variety of ways with the sole, but unrecognized,purpose of passing on their genes and perpetuating the species.

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