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The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Observations on the Slave Trade

July 26, 2024

“THE huge maritime slave traffic had great consequences for all the countries concerned. In Liverpool it made millionaires, and elsewhere in England, Europe and New England it brought prosperity not only to ship owners but to the distillers of rum and manufacturers of other trade goods. In the American plantation districts it immensely stimulated the production of the staple crops. On the other hand it kept the planters constantly in debt for their dearly bought labor, and it left a permanent and increasingly complex problem of racial adjustments. In Africa it largely transformed the primitive scheme of life, and for the worse. It created new and often unwholesome wants; it destroyed old industries and it corrupted tribal institutions. The rum, the guns, the utensils and the gewgaws were irresistible temptations. Every chief and every tribesman acquired a potential interest in slave getting and slave selling. Charges of witchcraft, adultery, theft and other crimes were trumped up that the number of convicts for sale might be swelled; debtors were pressed that they might be adjudged insolvent and their persons delivered to the creditors; the sufferings of famine were left unrelieved that parents might be forced to sell their children or themselves; kidnapping increased until no man or woman and especially no child was safe outside a village; and wars and raids were multiplied until towns by hundreds were swept from the earth and great zones lay void of their former teeming population.

“The slave trade has well been called the systematic plunder of a continent. But in the irony of fate those Africans who lent their hands to the looting got nothing but deceptive rewards, while the victims of the rapine were quite possibly better off on the American plantations than the captors who remained in the African jungle. The only participants who got unquestionable profit were the English, European and Yankee traders and manufacturers.”

—- U.B. Phillips, American Negro slavery: a survey of the supply, employment and control of Negro labor as determined by the plantation régime; 1918



Do You Still Feel Guilty?

July 26, 2024

“BEATEN, r*ped, strangled and left to die in the frozen playground of her school in Sweden.

“Ten-year-old Luna survived but will always suffer the consequences of the severe injuries she received at the hands of a serial sexual offender immigrant.

“More than a year since the assault and she still cannot speak and has difficulty moving.

“She could be your sister or your daughter. Is this the future we want for our children?”

Klaus Arminius



Paul Cuffe’s Vision of an African Homeland

July 26, 2024

Capt. Paul Cuffe; Chester Harding

MOST AMERICANS have never heard of the 18th-century figure Paul Cuffe (1759-1817), who was the son of a slave from West Africa. Despite the neglect of his legacy, Cuffe was an important visionary.

“Cuffe was born free on Cuttyhunk Island, Massachusetts (near New Bedford) sometime around 1759. The exact date of his birth is unknown. He was the youngest of ten children. His father, Kofi (also known as Cuffe Slocum), was from the Ashanti Empire in West Africa. Kofi was captured, enslaved and brought to New England at the age of 10. Paul’s mother, Ruth Moses, was Native American. Kofi, a skilled tradesman who was able to earn his freedom, died when Paul Cuffe was a teenager. The younger Cuffe refused to use the name Slocum, which his father had been given by his owner, and instead took his father’s first name.” (Source)

Cuffe became an abolitionist and advocated for voting rights for blacks in Massachusetts. These efforts ultimately disappointed him and this disappointment changed his thinking.

A successful businessman, he had surveyed the prospects open to blacks in the developing country and the chances of fitting in with the new nation. He wanted instead to gather his fellow Africans and take them home.

“Cuffe, first a whaling ship captain, eventually became a ship owner, operating a number of vessels which sailed between ports along the coast of Massachusetts.  By 1811 he was reputedly the wealthiest African American in the United States and the largest employer of free African Americans.  Despite his commercial success, Cuffe became increasingly disillusioned with the racial status of African Americans, and believed the creation of an independent African nation led by returnees from the United States offered the best prospects for free blacks and for African modernization.” (Source)

The idea that African-Americans instinctively seek a homeland that cannot be found on the North American continent is verboten in the American mainstream. Cuffe represented and promoted that idea.

Many prominent Americans over the years shared his conviction. They included Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Andrew Jackson, Daniel Webster, Francis Scott Key, John Randolph, Henry Clay and, most of all, Abraham Lincoln, who was adamant up until his death that the only chance of happiness and success for blacks lay in their return to Africa.

In 1811, Cuffe, in a ship staffed by a black crew, sailed to Sierra Leone and made arrangements for settlements of blacks from America. In 1815, he returned to Africa with a shipload of former slaves. His death two years later ended his project but his dream was embodied in the formation that very year of the American Colonization Society, which would ultimately have success in helping more than 10,000 former slaves return to Africa.

Other blacks would take up the dream that had captured Cuffe’s imagination, most prominently Marcus Garvey, a hero to millions of descendants of slaves.

Every people has a “soul,” an indescribable cohesion of purpose and direction given them by their loving Creator. Those rooted to excess in the material are not able to recognize this soul anymore than they can recognize other transcendent dimensions of existence. Those who never see the struggles of a people to have a home have left dreamers like Cuffe and Garvey in strange neglect on the pages of history.



Trump Shooting: Fascinatingly Fake

July 26, 2024


(Language warning)

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Piety and Place

July 25, 2024

“IT IS the essence of piety to honor your father and mother because they are yours and because they have given you a gift you can never recompense. This piety extends to the land of your birth, the “rocks and rills,” the “templed hills,” as the old patriotic anthem has it. The character of a nation is not to be found primarily in great political movements, and certainly not in an obsession with ‘progress.’ It is found in its land and weather, the kind of people who work there, the music they sing, the places where they worship, the games they play, the food they raise; what they honor and love, and what they will shed their blood to save.”

— Anthony Esolen, Out of the Ashes



Soap on a Sinking Ship

July 25, 2024

ALAN writes:

One day I walked into a supermarket, intending to purchase only a few items. I looked around for one of those little baskets available for that purpose — baskets that had been there for years. How stupid of me. No more baskets are there. Why is that? We abandoned them because customers were stealing them.

On another day I walked into a different supermarket, intending to purchase only a few items, including a bar of soap. How stupid of me. No more soap in the soap aisle. Instead: Empty shelves with sign, Ask for soap at cash register.

So I stood there for a moment of incredulity, among dozens of people engaged in busyness but blissfully unaware of the idiocy of such decisions or willfully blind to it. And I recalled the simple pleasure of shopping for groceries in corner markets in the 1950s-’60s, moments that now loom as marks of high civilization.

Baskets abandoned and soap and detergent taken off shelves and hidden away because of theft by The Diversity. Idiocy. Two more proofs of a population of Whites gone imbecile.  And two more arguments in favor of complete separation of the races. Read More »


The Olympic Flame in Lourdes

July 24, 2024

PAUL C. writes:

Regarding your entry on “Olympic Decadence,” you might have read that the 2024 Olympic Torch Relay included a Pentecost Sunday stop at the Lourdes Sanctuary this May.

From the shrine’s official announcement: “The Olympic flame passed through the Sanctuary of Lourdes today, the day of Pentecost. A symbolic date for pilgrims who also celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit on earth and on the Apostles, thus laying the cornerstone of our Church.”

As I’m sure you know, the flame tradition began with the ancient Olympics where the Games were held in honor of Zeus, king of all gods. The Greeks considered the Olympic fire to be sacred, letting it burn on the altar of Hestia, virgin goddess of hearth and home. In our time, the flame is said to symbolize friendship among nations.

The lighting ceremony, of course, still occurs at Olympia, amid ruins of a temple devoted to Hera, queen of the gods. Women representing a high priestess and vestal virgins light the flame according to the ancient method, focusing sunlight with a parabolic mirror. The Olympic torch is then presented to the first of many relay bearers.

I think an interesting survey could be conducted among people identifying as Catholic: “What do you think of the Lourdes episode?” I imagine a scale running roughly along these lines: Read More »


Trump Got Rich; the People Got Poor

July 23, 2024

“PEOPLE who are financially illiterate do not understand how net worth valuations work. Net worth is a speculative analysis that weighs several factors, the least of which is actual hard and liquid assets. It is mainly a prediction of worth over time. Trump lost ZERO money from being President and in fact gained billions through proxy relationships with entities like Jared Kushner’s hedge fund and investments in big Pharma.

“Trump didn’t log in to check his bank balance and see billions fewer dollars one morning after becoming president. That’s not how ANY of this works. He divested the bulk of his assets to his children and to corporations in which he retains an interest through clever financial tomfoolery.

“Meanwhile, the citizens of this country were taken trillions deeper into debt with their dollar *ss raped in value because of his out-of-control spending during covid.

“Trump gained from being President but the People LOST BIG.”

— @TonyMicelliAyOh

[This is not an endorsement of the Democratic Party. Wake up, your country has been pillaged by both parties.]



Wonderbread America

July 23, 2024

WHILE praising individualism, an American is really expected to avoid it like the plague. American protocol insists upon a danse macabre, an insane ritual of exulting in liberty and behaving with herd-like docility, whether in politics, at work or in private behavior. The inherent paradox has been seemingly resolved by insisting upon twisting individual ‘creativity’ to the development of vulgar advertising jingles, unisex clothing and broad, insipid, intellectual formulae for everything from philosophy to foreign policy. Those who follow the prescribed pattern are lauded as being both men of conviction as well as team players; those who reject it are either laughed off center stage or written out of polite society as being insane.”

— Dr. John C. Rao, Americanism and the Collapse of the Church in the United States of America



Heroes vs. Saints

July 22, 2024

Dying Achilles in the gardens of the Achilleion

THE heroes were men who, through the aid of a carnal passion excited to its utmost, did extraordinary things. The saints are men who, subduing all carnal passions, courageously stem, unaided by any carnal assistance, the tide of all sorrows. The heroes, exciting to feverish ebullition their own powers, attacked all who opposed them. The saints always began by distrusting their own powers, and, unaided by, and deprived of, all help from them, entered on the contest at once with themselves, and all the powers of earth and hell. The heroes proposed to attain high glory and great renown among nations. The saints regarded the vain talk of human generations as nothing, cared not for renown and glory, and leaving aside their own will, as something vile, placed themselves and their all in the hands of God, regarding it as excellent and glorious to put on the livery of His servants. This is what the heroes and saints were: the one and the other attained the opposite of what they intended; for the heroes, who thought to fill the earth with the glory of their name, have fallen into profound oblivion among all peoples, whilst the saints, who only fixed their eyes on heaven, [were] honoured and reverenced here below by peoples, emperors, pontiffs, and kings.”

Juan Donoso Cortés



Kamala, 2024 (Parody)

July 22, 2024

(Bad Language warning)


The Great Replacement in Ireland

July 22, 2024

RONIT Lentin, the Israeli who established Ireland’s first “Ethnic and Racial Studies” program, recently said the Irish people need more African immigrants to “wipe their arses” when they are old. Laura Weinstein, another Jewish academic, has similarly said that if Ireland is not open to more Third World immigrants, the Irish will become “neurotic” “inbred” “dogs.”

Read more on these and other charming figures behind the Great Replacement in Ireland. Read More »


The Trump Bullet Photo

July 20, 2024

Video link

“TRUMP is an invented character. It is political theatre at best. They simply want him in because they believe the public will respond better to him in carrying out the agendas that they require to be realized.”



Why Conservatives Are Easily Deceived

July 19, 2024

SCRATCH an American “patriot” and just under the surface is often a big-government liberal with deep trust in federal agencies and the mystique of the American founding.

The “patriot” is easily deceived by mass shooting hoaxes and false flags such as 9/11 because he idolizes government and just can’t accept that so many people working in government have committed treason. He believes if patriots can just get the good guys in office, everything will be okay. He willfully refuses to entertain the idea of organized deception even though it has been practiced by intelligence agencies for many years.

He may idolize the white race and not want to own up to just how corrupt many middle class whites are. Besides some of his friends may be police officers, municipal officials or work for the FBI. They’re decent people so most people in the government must be decent too. Of course, most people who work for the government are decent, but it only takes a few to pull off political theater. And when the money’s good … Many people participating in these deceptions obviously rationalize their behavior and believe they are doing good. 

Also, excuse my bluntness, but many conservatives have let their minds rot and have reduced patriotism and Christianity to childishness, fairy tales and insanity. Here’s a good example: Read More »


Trump’s Serpent Tongue

July 19, 2024

TRUMP has told his followers again and again that he’s a snake. Some good points here about his constant snake references.

(But, hey, no one was killed in this hoax or in any of these hoaxes.)



Magatard Nation

July 19, 2024

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The Ketchup King

July 19, 2024


Laugh a Little

July 19, 2024