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Another Example of How Language Must Change « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Another Example of How Language Must Change

August 31, 2011


KENDRA writes:

I recently received this notice from the Indianopolis Museum of Art regarding their new membership policies. The IMA receives government funding.

This part surprised me:

“In recognition of the fact that modern families are defined in many ways, the Family membership will become a Dual/Family option and will provide benefits for two adults plus children. The price for a Dual/Family membership will remain $75.” [emphasis added]

I don’t understand why they had to make the statement about families. It sounds like activism to me. Did a gay couple complain that there was not a “domestic partnership” option for membership and demand that the wording be changed? I almost want to cut up my membership card, but I love art so much.

                                       — Comments —

Mabel LeBeau writes:

Tsk, tsk. Don’t be silly. Definition of family is for the convenience of us ‘stay at home’ Mothers that wish to take our children to see Van Gogh or Seurat on a weekday, when Father is not home. So, we go with a lucky neighbor lady, or members of the playgroup, a visiting aunty (or uncle), or even, in my case…with one son older than the other by 11 years; one brother, his girlfriend or aunty or granny, + other brother. I once visited the Eiteljorg and IAM and walked along the White River all in one day when my older friend joined us along with younger son and a schoolmate.

Laura writes:

But you probably didn’t buy a membership together or expect to get one together. The purpose of family memberships is to help families afford a museum. In any event, it is traditionally not the role of art museums to educate the public in their membership materials on so-called definitions of the modern family.

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