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Comic Books Are Done Too « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Comic Books Are Done Too

July 31, 2012


TOM B. writes:

We have four children, whom we homeschool. My boys are at the comic book age, so I thought I’d see what comics were like, thirty-something years later. ( I was a big X-Men fan in the 70’s.)

Words fail me.

I came across a series of comics called Crossed. This is a truly demonic work, and not alone, either. Naturally, it’s quite popular; so much so, a movie is in the works. (I consider myself a gentleman, so I won’t go into detail. Google will, if you wish to have your day ruined.)

Let your readers be warned. It’s yet another genre that is on a race to the bottom – and it looks like it’s gotten there.

Depravity and destruction are everywhere.

Laura writes:

It’s sad when parents have to exercise such constant vigilance wherever they turn.

We live on an island and must build civilization from scratch.

—- Comments —

Hurricane Betsy writes:

Give those kids a bunch of older Uncle Scrooge comics. They are wonderful on every level. But any new ones (published over, say, the past 5 years that are not reprints) are now being imbued with political correctness. Carl Barks, Don Rosa, William van Horn, Scarpa, Branca, Rota, and Jippes are the best. Rosa’s stories are filled with historical and geographic references, which only add to their wonderfulness. Adults and children just love them.

Joseph L. Ebbecke writes:

I am an on-again, off-again comics reader since boyhood, though I have not paid them much attention for about a decade.

You may find this of interest; it is a review of an article on comics, the reviewer being John C. Wright. Mr. Wright is a science fiction writer and former stalwart atheist, who converted to Catholicism about 10 years ago.

The comments are even more interesting than Mr. Wright’s pointed post.

They include horrible examples and recommendations of decent reading in the comics genre.

Paul writes:

Maybe parents can get ahold of Classics Illustrated , a wonderful series I enjoyed when I could lay my hands on one. They were fat and enthralling and therefore expensive, so I could not afford them. But sometimes I could borrow a copy from a friend or, usually, my cousin, whose father read them. Heck even MY father would read them when I brought them home. I would read one today if I could lay my hands on a bunch. I might go through them so fast that it would not be worth it; but I am curious.

We have so little time for reading. My reading is limited to books as a sleep aide, which actually has allowed me to read quite a lot. Now that I sleep better, I read much less. But I sleep poorly when traveling. I was in distress on a recent business trip when I had showered, tucked myself in, and opened my night table to pull out a trusty Gideons’ Bible, and there was no Bible. I could not believe it. I searched everywhere in the room, trying to avoid as many bacteria as I could. I did not think to call the desk I was so mad. I cursed “the government” and “liberalism.” Heck I would have settled for the Book of Mormon for the intellectual benefits.

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