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Another Women’s Anti-Health Initiative « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Another Women’s Anti-Health Initiative

May 1, 2013


UNDER a new FDA ruling, the abortion-inducing drug known as the morning-after pill will be available on regular pharmacy shelves to girls as young as 15 without a prescription. The federal government once again shows itself to be the committed and unstoppable enemy of women. Feeding toxins to young girls and preventing procreation are government priorities. Liberals show more respect for the physical health of chickens than they do for human beings. In the last three decades, since abortion and oral contraceptives became widely available to teenagers, the incidence of advanced, metastatic breast cancer in young women has increased dramatically and there is good evidence that these are among the causes, which is to say nothing of the far more serious, non-physical effects of pharmaceuticals that enable girls to be promiscuous and callous.

When will you hear an outcry about these toxic health effects from all those liberals who cherish their organic eggs? Don’t hold your breath.

—- Comments —

Buck writes:

I spent time yesterday reading about these “plan Bs.” Whatever weak, lingering resistance that there was in the medical and health-care “community,” it has been overcome.

If it were not for bureaucratic drag and the attendant evils of competition – ruthless and cut throat backstabbing by paid medical researchers, our backward country would have fully implemented all of the various “plan Bs” by now, and each new one as it comes on line. What is going to stop it? Side effects? Name one that does.

The one major side effect, the only one sufficiently feared and abhorred, is a baby. A baby trumps everything. Nothing else comes close. Moral implications? Deadly and debilitating disease? A ruined reproductive system? The desire for unconstrained sex fears nothing more than a baby, no longer a fear of pregnancy, but only of an actual born baby. That fear is near to being completely removed by a simple pill.

Fear of extra bleeding, pain, nausea, or any of the chemical alterations of their bodies? That’s chump change. Even “smart” women willingly accept the trade-off. They demand it.

Many countries already use first-trimester medication abortion pills. We will too. We’ll eventually adopt them all. Nothing is going to stop it.

Bill R. writes:

Buck writes:

“We’ll eventually adopt them all. Nothing is going to stop it.”

Sadly, he is quite right. It can no more be stopped than an unburied corpse can halt the multiplicaton of maggots feeding upon it. I say “unburied” because our country is a like a murder victim whose body will never be found, and like the family of that victim we will be deprived of even the limited closure of a decent funeral that might enable us to move on. Furthermore, the conspirators who murdered her have every reason for making sure the body is never found. First of all, so they can continue to torment her surviving loved ones with the hope that she is still alive somewhere precisely so that they do not move on but continue to play along with the conspirators and their corruption (with the added bonus that the conspirators also simply enjoy tormenting the victim’s family). But even more importantly so that the family will not suspect who these conspirators are and what, in fact, they have actually done. For, in spite of all their contempt and hatred for the victim’s family, these conspirators still badly need them, as a con artist needs an unsuspecting mark. It wouldn’t do, you see, if all that were left were conspirators for, as they say, you can’t con a con.

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