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Davos Financiers Serve LGBT Soup to Global Masses « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Davos Financiers Serve LGBT Soup to Global Masses

January 20, 2015


Paul SInger

Paul Singer


Christian Scripture, Old Testament and New, repeatedly and unconditionally condemns the Sin of Sodom, one of the four that “cry to Heaven for vengeance.”  In our dismal day, however, sodomy has gone from being the “love” that dare not speak its name to the lust that won’t shut up.  That isn’t news.  And perhaps the chaotic and disordered spread of “elite” support for what is disingenuously called “gay rights” is also no longer news.

Its spread to the World Economic Forum’s Davos confab of the rich and notorious, however, is.  Noting who is and is not allowed to attend the WEF’s Davos meetings is a pretty accurate barometer of who is up and who is down in the materialist world.  In past years, for all they may personally support every item of the homosexualists’ transgressing program, Davos’s organizers had kept homosexualism off of or well down their agenda, as non-Westerners generally find such things offensive and shameful.  The WEF’s focus is how the richest among us can get even more rich, and pushing such social embarrassments might impede doing business with non-Westerners.

As of 2015, that practical and pecuniary caution is no longer a barrier to the homosexualist juggernaut: “L.G.B.T. issues” have made the formal agenda.  Andrew Ross Sorkin, writing in The New York Times‘s DealBook column, celebrates this great leap forward in person-kind’s societal evolution.

Doggedly determined to force universal affirmation of sodomy in all its mutations on all the world, two of the same rich men who bought enough Republican state senators in New York to make sodo-“matrimony” the artificial (for it can never be natural) law of the crumbling Empire State succeeded in forcing homosexualist demands onto Davos’s agenda.  We’ll see what, if anything, may come of it.

The Demonic Duo, for one can only associate such obsession about sodomy as a public good with possession by something malign, are two New York City-area (surprise, surprise…) hedge fund managers, Paul Singer of Elliott Management — the same man suing in U.S. federal court to compel Argentina to repay the full principal amount of defaulted Argentine sovereign debt his funds were foolish enough to buy; that this would further beggar millions of Argentines means nothing to Mr. Singer and his partners — and Daniel Loeb of Third Point.

Singer’s well-considered position on the merits of sodo-“matrimony” and “gay rights” appears to be based on nothing more substantive than the sad fact that his son considers himself “gay.”  As for Mr. Loeb, The New York Times gives no reason for his sodomitical obsession beyond noting that Loeb “with his wife is active in many philanthropic causes…”  If you’ll excuse the vulgarity, while Loeb no doubt brings home the bucks in his family one may wonder who wears the pants in his house.

The linked article gives a laundry list of well-known names in business who are entirely in accord with the diabolically unhinged world-view Singer and Loeb are pressing on the rest of us, along with assorted activists of the Left who are tolerated at Davos as evidence of the plutocrats’ progressive bona fides.

One wonders for how much longer ordinary people will accept the impositions of such as Singer, Loeb and their Davos fellow-travellers on their lives.  For decades now, perversity’s advocates have had things almost entirely their own way as every public institution of the West has been subverted and occupied by the Left, transformed in most cases into very nearly the opposite of what their founders intended.  We are probably far from done with the Long March of polymorphous perversity, currently with homosexualism in the vanguard.

But then there is Islam…  And, true to the Cultural Marxist template in which nothing non-Western can truly be evil, the same Leftists who push sexual perversion as a right welcome and support Islam’s encroachment in the West.  If that continues, incontinent liberals such as Singer and Loeb might find themselves at the sharp end of a painful encounter with the False Prophet of Araby’s acolytes.

— Comments —

Alex writes:

Singer, Loeb, Sorkin, Wall Street, Big Bankers, Hollywood. All bringing destruction to the U.S. and its culture. It is not Islam bringing us sodomy, abortion, multiculturalism, race baiting, homosexuality/lesbianism is it? Look at who runs Hollywood, the Fed, TV, the so-called driveby media. It is the name not to be spoken lest one loses their jobs and reputation. Islam is just the icing on the cake of a rotting U.S. corpse, killed long ago. Islam is not bringing filth and pornography to our homes and children every day. Sure, let’s obliterate Islam, that will not right our sinking ship.

 Laura writes:

Muslims do not have, and will likely never have, the same power to destroy Christian civilization from within as powerful Jews.

Paul T. writes:

And powerful Jews will never have the power to do much of anything without the buy-in of much larger numbers of Gentile collaborators. Any reliable history of liberalism’s triumphal march would have to enumerate all the classes of people who believe themselves (not always without cause) to be its beneficiaries.

Laura writes:

The power of Jews is in large part a result of the faithlessness of Christians.

Doug H. writes:

And the Muslims do not have the blind devotion the Jews currently have within the rabidly zionist Christian movement which is so strong that when I even mention the Jews control much of our corrupting influences I am warned that they are God’s children. What does that have to do with their overwhelming support for a destructive agenda, and why can’t we even point it out?

Laura writes:

People are so brainwashed they believe criticizing Jews is equal to wanting to kill them. No other people have this shield of protection.

Alex writes:

I have to say after reading other comments what stands out to me is “it’s the Christians fault.” Yes, there are Christian zionists, yes Christians are faithless, yes blame Vatican II. And she asked for it because she wore a short skirt! It’s her fault, not the rapist. Come, on friends, there is some serious dodging who is behind it all. Not a word about the corrosive effects of Jews on America.

Laura writes:

Well, both are true.

Jews are not “behind it all,” in the sense that they are responsible for it all, but Jewish power is extremely damaging for several reasons. I think you mentioned those corrosive effects.

Here’s one example. Why is that Americans know so little about, and sympathize so little with, the millions killed in Soviet Russia under Communism whereas they know a whole lot about (and should know a lot about) those killed by the Nazis? One answer: There were many Jews in power in Communist lands. Those Communist deaths threaten the public image of Jewish victimhood — or perhaps they simply do nothing for that image.

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