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FBI Director Genuflects Before Noble Negro « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

FBI Director Genuflects Before Noble Negro

February 13, 2015


FBI Director James Comey, in a speech at Georgetown in reaction to the Ferguson riots, indulges in transparent historical revisionism to excuse crimes by blacks. There is nothing original in his speech, in which he ridiculously claims that black crime is no worse than the former crimes of Irish immigrants. It’s all been said millions and millions of times, including the idea that white racism is a “hard truth.” It’s all taught every single day in high schools and colleges. Still it is noteworthy when a chief law enforcer denies the very notion of free will in law-breaking.

Do you see the logic here? If lawbreakers are not responsible for their own behavior, or at least some of them are not responsible for their own behavior, then the government is responsible for everything. Comey’s speech is just another bureaucrat’s plea for bureaucratic tyranny. That’s what racialism is about. It’s about power, not benevolence towards blacks. Comey could care less about the true welfare of blacks, who are destroyed by this country’s leniency towards crime and the fatuous insensitivity of people like Comey towards its victims. Instead, Comey demands that his underlings worship at the grave of Martin Luther King:

I am descended from Irish immigrants. A century ago, the Irish knew well how American society—and law enforcement—viewed them: as drunks, ruffians, and criminals. Law enforcement’s biased view of the Irish lives on in the nickname we still use for the vehicles we use to transport groups of prisoners. It is, after all, the “paddy wagon.” 

The Irish had tough times, but little compares to the experience on our soil of black Americans. That experience should be part of every American’s consciousness, and law enforcement’s role in that experience—including in recent times—must be remembered. It is our cultural inheritance.

There is a reason that I require all new agents and analysts to study the FBI’s interaction with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and to visit his memorial in Washington as part of their training. And there is a reason I keep on my desk a copy of Attorney General Robert Kennedy’s approval of J. Edgar Hoover’s request to wiretap Dr. King. It is a single page. The entire application is five sentences long, it is without fact or substance, and is predicated on the naked assertion that there is “communist influence in the racial situation.” The reason I do those things is to ensure that we remember our mistakes and that we learn from them.

One reason we cannot forget our law enforcement legacy is that the people we serve and protect cannot forget it, either. So we must talk about our history. It is a hard truth that lives on.

He blames black crime on poor opportunity for black men. The only hope is growth of federal programs to  help them.

— Comments —

Henry McCulloch writes:

You write that

[FBI Director James] Comey’s speech is just another bureaucrat’s plea for bureaucratic tyranny. That’s what racialism is about. It’s about power, not benevolence towards blacks. Comey could care less about the true welfare of blacks, who are destroyed by this country’s leniency towards crime and the fatuous insensitivity of people like Comey towards its victims.

Right on target, as usual.  I should add one more thing which is proof positive that, except as convenient totems and unthinkingly reliable votes (when, that is, they bother to vote at all), black Americans mean nothing to America’s Leftist rulers — and that includes the black ones such as Barack Hussein Obama, Eric Holder, the cretins of the Congressional Black Congress and the professional race-hucksters such as Sharpton and Jackson.  (Is it significant that neither Obama nor Holder are really American blacks?  Even if it is, the CBC’s members, Sharpton and Jackson surely are.)

If America’s Leftist controllers (Republicans as well as Democrats, and the plutocrats who buy up both) had the slightest concern for black Americans, the very first actions they would take would be to seal the borders, especially on the southern side of the United States, detain and remove as many illegal aliens as possible, and end legal immigration, especially of less-skilled people.  Yet they do exactly the opposite, in all respects.  The flood of cheap third-world immigration into the United States destroys the labor market for lower-middle and lower class black Americans by importing legions of foreigners to undercut them (because their employers don’t have to support their social costs; taxpayers do that for them) for employment.  The mass immigration the U.S. “elite” favors, against the will of most Americans, is a death-ray aimed right at black Americans.

But perhaps there is an explanation that does not rely on concealed malevolence against black people.  Rather than foster an economy in which poorer black Americans can find work, and will want to work, our Leftist “leaders” (again the term is bipartisan and includes those who have bought the politicians) prefer to keep this large sector of the American population as a permanent welfare class and reservoir of social discontent that will — very conveniently for those who wish to cement state power further — reliably burst the dam in violent protest at predictable intervals.

Advocacy of mass immigration in today’s conditions is a betrayal of all Americans, but of no Americans more than blacks.  This is breathtaking liberal bad faith, even treason.  So breathtaking, I guess, that nobody will notice it, much less mention it.

Mark Jaws writes:

No one has ever said that Mark Jaws was soft on black crime, but in this instance, in which the FBI Director compares today’s black thugs with the Irish criminals of yesteryear, I am not so sure we can pooh pooh the comparison.

I grew up in the section of Manhattan’s Lower East Side referred to as Corlears Hook.  From the research I have done about my old neighborhood, I can say for certain that the Irish immigrants really did cause a lot of crime in that section of New York.  In fact,  because of the Irish immigrants, Corlears was the most crime laden neighborhood of New York.  I am enclosing a link to give your readers an idea of the shenanigans the lads from the Old Sod pulled when  they hit our shores.  I could add many more.  And they committed far more crime than the German and Jewish immigrants who followed them.

Of course, with all of their problems, the Irish immigrants still managed to build great churches and develop the Catholic church in America.  Once assimilated, a generation of Irish-American leaders helped run our great cities on the Atlantic Coast.  When it comes to running things, this generation of black leaders is capable of only running their mouths and running from the truth.

 Laura writes:

Irish mobsters and other criminals caused serious problems but they did not cause the sort of violent crime we find in Detroit, St. Louis, Camden, Philadelphia, Chicago, and many other American cities, where blacks terrorize ordinary citizens, both black and white, with muggings, rape and murder, causing mass flight to other neighborhoods.

Most of the Irish came to America after large numbers of blacks were brought here. They were poor and yet we don’t find them causing such high rates of crime today that people are afraid to venture into predominantly Irish neighborhoods. Also, Ireland, judging by its homicide rates, is today one of the safest countries in the world.

Buck writes:

I occasionally Metro Rail into Washington DC on the Red Line, which passes the former Washington Coliseum (which has its own remarkable history) just before reaching Union Station. Rarely does anyone that I ask know the history of that area. Union Station, the building itself, was erected on what was the home baseball park of the original Washington Nationals. The new rail yard north of the station cut in half a neighborhood called Swampoodle. Further construction ended the rest of it.

“Swampoodle developed during the second half of the 19th century, providing a place of refuge for Irish emigrants following the Irish potato famine. It gained a reputation for being a lawless shantytown, where crime, prostitution and drunkenness were rife. At the core of the district was Jackson Alley, considered a virtual no-go area for the police. The area was also known for over-crowding and outbreaks of malaria, typhoid and dysentery. But Swampoodle was also a thriving community, whose Irish construction workers helped build Washington DC.”

“A thriving community, whose…workers helped build”

What happened to those Irish shantytowns? There all gone. Where are they as a people now? Was it modern liberal legislation and good government intentions that ended the shantytowns and forced the Irish to assimilate and succeed? Or was it the intentions of the people themselves?

I, by the way, haven’t been drunk in nearly forty years, and I’m three-quarts Irish.

A reader writes:

Buck is right on and you all are. “The luck of the Irish” was coined as an insult because the Irish started at the bottom of society and within a generation they were progressing. Life was getting better for them and they were emerging into the safe harbor of the middle class, and better. They could not possibly have been succeeding because they had intelligence, courage, fortitude, and worked like hell. It had to be “the luck of the Irish.”

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