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Let There Be Global Warming « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Let There Be Global Warming

June 3, 2015

red sea

Paul K. writes from Houston:

I very much enjoy your writing and point of view on so many important elements of our culture and faith.  I am not Catholic, but share your concern about the general falling away from Christianity of our nation and so many families.   I thought you’d enjoy this cartoon from the Investor Business Daily (of all things) regarding what “the pope” might say to Moses if he parted the Red Sea today.

Laura writes:

Thank you.

I hope you don’t mind that I put your reference to “the pope” in quotation marks. As you probably know, I do not believe Francis is the Vicar of Christ. (Go here for a great radio program on this issue. And go here for an explanation of what every Christian must believe.) I would never make fun of a true pope.

For some background on Jorge Bergoglio’s upcoming encyclical on global warming I recommend this article by Atila Sinke Guimarães.

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